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Error: have the same architectures (i386) and can't be in the same fat output file
Im trying to install a BitcoinKit with pod install
but get the error:
Error: have the same architectures (i386) and can't be in the same fat output file
source ''
platform :ios, '15.2'
target 'BTCTransaction3' do
pod 'BitcoinKit', '~> 1.1.0'
BitcoinKit.podspec File: do |spec| = 'BitcoinKit'
spec.version = '1.1.0'
spec.summary = 'Bitcoin(BCH/BTC) protocol toolkit for Swift'
spec.description = <<-DESC
The BitcoinKit library is a Swift implementation of the Bitcoin(BCH/BTC) protocol. This library was originally made by Katsumi Kishikawa, and now is maintained by Yenom Inc. It allows maintaining a wallet and sending/receiving transactions without needing a full blockchain node. It comes with a simple wallet app showing how to use it.
spec.homepage = ''
spec.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } = { 'BitcoinKit developers' => '[email protected]' }
spec.requires_arc = true
spec.source = { git: '', tag: "v#{spec.version}" }
spec.source_files = 'BitcoinKit/**/*.{h,m,swift}', 'Sources/BitcoinKit/**/*.{h,m,swift}'
spec.private_header_files = 'BitcoinKit/**/BitcoinKitPrivate.h'
spec.exclude_files = 'Sources/**/LinuxSupport.swift'
spec.module_map = 'BitcoinKit/BitcoinKit.modulemap'
spec.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
spec.swift_version = '5.0'
spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'SWIFT_WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION' => 'YES',
'SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/BitcoinKit/Libraries',
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"${PODS_ROOT}/BitcoinKit/Libraries/openssl/include" "${PODS_ROOT}/BitcoinKit/Libraries/secp256k1/include"',
'LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"${PODS_ROOT}/BitcoinKit/Libraries/openssl/lib" "${PODS_ROOT}/BitcoinKit/Libraries/secp256k1/lib"',
'OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS' => '-D BitcoinKitXcode' }
spec.preserve_paths = ['setup', 'Libraries']
spec.prepare_command = 'sh setup/'
Xcode 13.2 macOS Big Sur (11.5.2) Apple Macbook M1
Thanks for Help!
I solved it with excluding arch's in the Build settings.
I solved it with excluding arch's in the Build settings.
can you show the code?please
Just search how to exclude architectures in Build settings.