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A set of views for use in android applications, including a signature capture view.


A set of views to use in an android application.

Included Views


A view to capture an input signature. Can be used on its own, or part of a dialog/prompt.


I am using the SignatureView as part of a dialog box myself. The demo code supplied uses it as part of another layout.


To build the library, run ant jar in the library directory, then copy the jar from library/bin/customviews.jar into your libs directory.

Demo should build just fine as an eclipse project, or using standard android ant targets, IE. ant debug.


I haven't picked yet. Whatever it is, it will definitely be free for non-commercial use. Currently, I am considering releasing under the DWTFYWWI.

If anyone has an opinion between now and when I decide please let me know. If you are going to use this in your own project and need me to make a decision just shoot me a message/open an issue.