tx2_fcnn_node copied to clipboard
Mappping problem
I tried mappping a environment using your model in gazebo.But the map dissappears after moving for some time. Here is the link to the video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oniq8bKh_OOSfb23sV2u_62Ci7ZQnFue/view?usp=sharing
and my tf_tree
Any idea what might be wrong.
Thank you
Can you post your .launch file? Guess it's RTAB-Map memory parameter.
<node pkg="rtabmap_ros" type="rtabmap" name="rtabmap">
<param name="RGBD/LinearUpdate" value="0"/>
<param name="RGBD/AngularUpdate" value="0"/>
<param name="Rtabmap/DetectionRate" value="5"/>
<param name="Rtabmap/MemoryThr" value="100"/>
<param name="Kp/DetectorStrategy" value="2"/>
<param name="Kp/MaxFeatures" value="2000"/>
<param name="frame_id" value="world"/>
<param name="odom_topic" value="/tello/odom"/>
<param name="RGBD/CreateOccupancyGrid" value="true"/>
<param name="Grid/3D" value="true"/>
<param name="Grid/FromDepth" value="true"/>
<remap from="/odom" to="/tello/odom" />
<param name="approx_sync" value="true"/>
<node pkg="tx2_fcnn_node" type="tx2_fcnn_node" name="tx2_fcnn_node">
<param name="input_width" value="320"/>
<param name="input_height" value="240"/>
<param name="use_camera" value="false"/>
<param name="camera_mode" value="-1"/>
<param name="camera_link" value="tello/camera_front"/>
<param name="depth_link" value="tello/camera_front"/>
<param name="engine_name" value="test_engine.trt"/>
<param name="calib_name" value="tx2_camera_calib.yaml"/>
<param name="input_name" value="tf/Placeholder"/>
<param name="output_name" value="tf/Reshape"/>
<param name="mean_r" value="123.0"/>
<param name="mean_g" value="115.0"/>
<param name="mean_b" value="101.0"/>
<remap from="/image" to="/tello/camera/image_raw" />
This is the content of the launch file
Yes, it's RTAB-Map related issue. Try changing Rtabmap/MemoryThr parameter to 0.
I changed the parameter in launch file. That didn't work. Still facing the same problem. Anything else it can be?
Yes, it's RTAB-Map related issue. Try changing Rtabmap/MemoryThr parameter to 0.
Facing the same issue. Tried the possible solutions suggested by you ...no progress
@aayushi363 @surajmahangade Can you provide rosbag files without RTAB-Map and tx2_fcnn_node output, so I can check the issue myself?