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Import the old wiki from
This is not a bug, I am concerned with saving the still valid information from the old wiki in
I have downloaded this wiki in individual text files (attached here). I would love to see the articles go to the Wiki in Github. Again i would do that by myself, but don't know how to do that without having edit rights on ccl.
I could clone the wiki locally and do the changes there, but Is there such a thiing like a pr for the wiki? Same thing about editing the wiki in my fork, how could that go here?
Here are the files (in inverse order as I donwloaded them) HistoryOfOpenMcl.txt ToDo.txt CustomFramework.txt BuildFFIGEN.txt ForeignFunctionInterface.txt MemoryUtils.txt VectorStreams.txt CclUnderGdb.txt CocoaIde_FontSupportImplementation.txt CocoaIde_FontSupport.txt CocoaIde_KeyBindingsComparison.txt CocoaIde_Editor.txt CocoaIde_DesignNotes.txt HemlockProgrammer_Miscellaneous.txt HemlockProgrammer_Utilities.txt HemlockProgrammer_HighLevelTextPrimitives.txt HemlockProgrammer_HemlockLispEnvironment.txt HemlockProgrammer_Files.txt HemlockProgrammer_TheEchoArea.txt HemlockProgrammer_LogicalKeyEvents.txt HemlockProgrammer_ControllingTheDisplay.txt HemlockProgrammer_CharacterAttributes.txt HemlockProgrammer_Modes.txt HemlockProgrammer_Commands.txt HemlockProgrammer_HemlockVariables.txt HemlockProgrammer_TheCurrentEnvironment.txt HemlockProgrammer_AlteringAndSearchingText.txt HemlockProgrammer_Buffers.txt HemlockProgrammer_RepresentationOfText.txt HemlockProgrammer_Introduction.txt HemlockProgrammer.txt CocoaIdeInternals.txt ThreadsAndSetf.txt DeclareOptimize.txt InitUnixSockAddr.txt Internals_LockFreeHashTables.txt Internals_Compiler.txt Internals_ExceptionHandling.txt Internals_StackFrames.txt Internals_GarbageCollection.txt Internals_MemoryAllocation.txt Internals_Functions.txt Internals_DynamicBinding.txt AppleCurrencyConverter.txt EasyGui.txt Cocoa.txt OpenMclFfi.txt WindowsNotes.txt TrackingTheTrunk.txt UpdatingFromSource.txt BuildingLargeProjects.txt CommandLineInspect.txt DebugWithOpenmcl.txt HintsForAsdfAndOpenmcl.txt InstallingSlime.txt GettingAroundInOpenMcl.txt
Again i would do that by myself, but don't know how to do that without having edit rights on ccl.
I think it requires repo collaborator's rights to be able to edit wiki pages.
I think it requires repo collaborator's rights to be able to edit wiki pages.
It is a configurable setting. One can relax the permission.
In t he mean time one can take advantage of the fact that the wiki content is backed by a git repo. So one can clone it and edit locally and either use a separate repo to preview the changes or run Gollum locally.