PackageReferenceUpgrader copied to clipboard
A VS2017 Extension that helps legacy apps migrate off of packages.config.
NuGet PackageReference Upgrader
Download this extension from the VS Marketplace or get the CI build.
Upgrades Visual Studio 2017 projects to use PackageReferences instead of packages.config, streamlining package resolution and eliminating errors.
See the change log for changes and road map.
- Upgrades VS2017 projects by moving NuGet package references into the project file itself.
Project Upgrade:
- Creates a backup of your packages.config and project file for safekeeping.
- Cycles through your packages.config file for your existing references.
- Removes the legacy package-relative DLL references.
- Removes legacy .targets import nodes, as PackageReferences handle them transparently.
- Removes legacy error conditions.
Check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.
For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project.