CH5-Basic copied to clipboard
Basic Crestron CH5 Example
This example shows very basic usage of the Crestron Com Package with Vanilla JS. Its designed to help those just starting out learn some of the basics of taking HTML, CSS, and Javascript files communicate via a TSW touch panel to a processor. I've tried to put as many comments as possible in these files. As I add more examples I will be putting them into different branches and will update this readme on which branch shows what example.
Youtube WalkThrough Link
Initial Setup
If you don't have Node.js installed please install it prior to the steps below (
Verify you have node installed:
node -v
Install dependancies:
npm install
this will install the Crestron Com Library -
Install dev dependancy:
npm i parcel-bundler --save-dev
I'm using Parcel for running the dev server as well as building the project in preparation for archiving to ch5z file. -
Open the project in VSCode [Make sure you have at least the Crestron Components extension installed in VSCode. I've notated some additional suggestions below] - Prettier - npm intellisense - path intellisense - html snippets
Fix issue with Crestron's Com Library that prevents importing direct into index.js file
- Open the following file: node_modules/@crestron/ch5-crcomlib/package.json
- Replate
"types": "build_bundles/umd/@types/index.d.ts"
- With
"types": "build_bundles/cjs/@types/index.d.ts",
"main": "build_bundles/cjs/cr-com-lib.js",
To start the project run
npm run start
Parcel will start and build the project for testing the html, css, and javascript -
Open "http://localhost:1234" in your browser Parcel provides hot reloading so you never have to refresh your browser. Whenever you make a change in your code it automatically rebuild and update in the browser
Creating TSW file
- run
npm run build
This will build the project so its ready for archiving - run
npm run build:archive
This will create the tsw file and put in the dist folder
- run
Folder Structure of Project
├── assets
│ ├── css
└── styles.css
│ └── js
└── index.js
├── index.html
├── package.json