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Error when running rigor
I tried running rigor on a single image. I get this error: Latha will look into it.. ... _Error running calcrigorForIm_***** Undefined function 'bk_dynamicgraphs_mex' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in GraphProcessor/multiseed_param_min_st_cut (line 70) [all_cuts, meta_info] = bk_dynamicgraphs_mex(nonlambda_s, ...
Error in GraphProcessor/generate_mincut_segments (line 35) [partitions, lambdas, seed_mapping, mincut_vals, t_pmc_all, ...
Error in Segmenter/compute_segments (line 46) [curr_segments] = generate_mincut_segments(gp_obj);
Error in rigor_obj_segments (line 203) compute_segments(seg_obj);
Error in calcrigorForIm (line 10) [masks]=rigor_obj_segments(im,'force_recompute',true);
Error in runObjectProposals (line 25) varargout{1} = fh( imageInput, configjson.(char(proposalName))); Error in runObjectProposals (line 4) global configjson;
Output argument "varargout" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "/home/gneelima/work/code/test2/object-proposals/runObjectProposals.m>runObjectProposals".