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Add a telemetry screen for messages, add mute option
It would be nice to have a visual messaging system with the option of muting voice alerts. There are a few scenarios where voice alerts disturb the environment (either people or animals, and my wife during development). It would be great to have either a single line on the main telemetry screen for displaying current messages, or else a separate telemetry screen (there used to be one, it was very useful for displaying history of messages on taranis while flying).
The other one also showed the time in seconds since the message was displayed, and each line would update, I don't know how taxing that is on the system but I think just a time stamp next to the message would be fine
Mute option is now added in s-c-l-v-rc-opentx2.1-next branch. Displaying Messages is still open. Had an idea how to implement this, but this is not working in openTX 2.1. maybe I´ll find a solution in future.
Now it is possible to show text messages with s-c-l-v-rc-opentx2.1-next branch on Taranis. See commit: But you need a new Telemetry Sensor on Taranis. Name: MSG Type: Sensor ID: 0600 6 Unit: %
Just as a heads-up, regarding the messages from the flight controller. I've just submitted a large commit to ArduPilot master, that uniformizes all the messages sent by the flight controller, to the standard set by MAV_SEVERITY
I believe this makes it quite easier to parse and decide which should be displayed and/or spoken.
Severity Debug (7) is not used
All the PreArm and Arm prefixes are still on Critical severity.
0 MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY System is unusable. This is a "panic" condition.
1 MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT Action should be taken immediately. Indicates error in non-critical systems.
2 MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL Action must be taken immediately. Indicates failure in a primary system.
3 MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR Indicates an error in secondary/redundant systems.
4 MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING Indicates about a possible future error if this is not resolved within a given timeframe. Example would be a low battery warning.
5 MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE An unusual event has occured, though not an error condition. This should be investigated for the root cause.
6 MAV_SEVERITY_INFO Normal operational messages. Useful for logging. No action is required for these messages.
7 MAV_SEVERITY_DEBUG Useful non-operational messages that can assist in debugging. These should not occur during normal operation.
could you pls give us a link to your commit?
Here goes:
All the commits are already on master
Initial implememtation of a messaging screen just committed (this is Clooney's version from the -next branch). No mute option implemented yet in 2.1 repo.