clickhouse-tableau-connector-jdbc copied to clipboard
The place clickhouse-jdbc.taco should in
A really good job! However, I meet a problem when I install it on my Windows10. My Tableau is 2024.1.
I follow the instruction Download the Clickhouse JDBC Driver (version 0.4.6 required), and place the clickhouse-jdbc-0.4.6-shaded.jar to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers and Download the latest clickhouse-jdbc.taco from the Releases page, and place it to C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors, but it does not work. I can not find ClickHouse JDBC by ClickHouse, Inc. in the list.
I try to search in the folder Tableau 2024.1\bin\connectors and find there are some .taco files in it. I try to move the clickhouse-jdbc.taco to this folder. It works!