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Computation of gradients in a compressible SingleStack
The EDMF development has been struggling with the computation of gradients (in the z direction) in the 1D model. To isolate the issues I have created an example branch 'yc/gradient_exmaple':
In this case I am running a compressible singlestack for 100sec in a Stable BL and plotting both the u velocity component and its vertical gradient:
This can be reproduced by:
running using Revise; include("test/Atmos/EDMF/stable_bl_coupled_edmf_an1d.jl")
after the simulation is done pasting in Julia RPEL """" const clima_dir = dirname(dirname(pathof(ClimateMachine))); include("test/Atmos/EDMF/compute_mse.jl") include(joinpath(clima_dir, "docs", "plothelpers.jl")); dons_arr = get_dons_arr(diag_arr) output_dir = joinpath(clima_dir, "output") z = Array(get_z(solver_config.dg.grid; rm_dupes = true))
export_plot( z, time_data, dons_arr, ("∇flux_turbconv_∇u_3",), joinpath(output_dir, "dudz.png"); xlabel = "∇u (1 / s)", ylabel = "z (m)", time_units = "(seconds)", lw = 2, palette = :tab10, )
export_plot( z, time_data, dons_arr, ("prog_ρu_1",), joinpath(output_dir, "ρu.png"); xlabel = "ρu (kg / m^2 s)", ylabel = "z (m)", time_units = "(seconds)", lw = 2, palette = :tab10, ) """"
The behavior of 'dudz' in the plot above for 20<z<100 is hard to connected with the profile of u. Examining the 300m level it seems that the DG I trying to keep the derivative smooth (continuous) but it does not produces a desirable outcome.
I think that the derivative is correct. The fields are the problem. I did a quick and dirty finite difference of the field u
and got similar results.
for i = 1:length(dons_arr)
dons_arr[i]["prog_u"] = dons_arr[i]["prog_ρu_1"] ./ dons_arr[i]["prog_ρ"]
Δz = diff(dons_arr[i]["z"])
Δu = diff(dons_arr[i]["prog_u"])
Δρu = diff(dons_arr[i]["prog_ρu_1"])
Δρ = diff(dons_arr[i]["prog_ρ"])
Δu_Δz = Δu ./ Δz
Δρu_Δz = Δρu ./ Δz
Δρ_Δz = Δρ ./ Δz
dons_arr[i]["Δu_Δz"] = [Δu_Δz[1]; (Δu_Δz[1:end-1] + Δu_Δz[2:end]) / 2; Δu_Δz[end]]
dons_arr[i]["Δρu_Δz"] = [Δρu_Δz[1]; (Δρu_Δz[1:end-1] + Δρu_Δz[2:end]) / 2; Δρu_Δz[end]]
dons_arr[i]["Δρ_Δz"] = [Δρ_Δz[1]; (Δρ_Δz[1:end-1] + Δρ_Δz[2:end]) / 2; Δρ_Δz[end]]
joinpath(output_dir, "Δu_Δz.png");
xlabel = "Δu_Δz",
ylabel = "z (m)",
time_units = "(seconds)",
lw = 2,
palette = :tab10,
joinpath(output_dir, "Δρu_Δz.png");
xlabel = "Δρu_Δz",
ylabel = "z (m)",
time_units = "(seconds)",
lw = 2,
palette = :tab10,
joinpath(output_dir, "Δρ_Δz.png");
xlabel = "Δρ_Δz",
ylabel = "z (m)",
time_units = "(seconds)",
lw = 2,
palette = :tab10,
which produces the following plots
@jkozdon thanks so much. That really helps me isolating where the problem is. I will work on it from here and close this issue
I am re-opening the issue with a better view of the problem following @jkozdon's comment. I can reproduce this issue with the ConstantKinematicViscosity(0.1) model with no EDMF (using 'NoTurbConv') flag. I pushed these changes so that running the case above on this branch will now run the above settings and pasting this
"""""""""""""" const clima_dir = dirname(dirname(pathof(ClimateMachine))); include("test/Atmos/EDMF/compute_mse.jl") include(joinpath(clima_dir, "docs", "plothelpers.jl")); dons_arr = get_dons_arr(diag_arr) output_dir = joinpath(clima_dir, "output") z = Array(get_z(solver_config.dg.grid; rm_dupes = true))
export_plot( z, time_data, dons_arr, ("∇flux_u_3",), joinpath(output_dir, "dudz_gm.png"); xlabel = "∇u (1 / s)", ylabel = "z (m)", time_units = "(seconds)", lw = 2, palette = :tab10, )
export_plot( z, time_data, dons_arr, ("prog_ρu_1",), joinpath(output_dir, "ρu.png"); xlabel = "ρu (kg / m^2 s)", ylabel = "z (m)", time_units = "(seconds)", lw = 2, palette = :tab10, ) """""""""""
in the RPEL will reproduce the following plots of the vertical gradient of the atmosmodel velocities:
it appears that the problem is more generally a problem with the way 'flux_second_order' (which is the only flux operating here).
I'm not convinced that there is problem with the dg code here. My hunch is that it is something like Runge's phenomena you are seeing.
I think that the most helpful thing would be to write down the exact mathematically equations you are trying to solve including the domain and the boundary conditions. At this point I have little idea how all the driver and atmos model actually define a problem, so it's hard to make suggestions.
Once a simplified problem is written down, there are simpler DG code that you could implement the problem in to explore what you are seeing and possible fixes.