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Document how to interpolate when indexing into tuple fields
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It's unclear what the rules are for indexing into a Field of Tuples. For example,
using ClimaCore
zlim = (1,2)
nelements = 10
FT = Float32
boundary_tags = (:bottom, :top)
column = ClimaCore.Domains.IntervalDomain(
boundary_tags = boundary_tags,
mesh = ClimaCore.Meshes.IntervalMesh(column; nelems = nelements)
center_space = ClimaCore.Spaces.CenterFiniteDifferenceSpace(mesh)
coords = ClimaCore.Fields.coordinate_field(center_space)
types = (NTuple{10, FT},)
fields = map(types) do (T)
zero_instance = ClimaCore.RecursiveApply.rzero(T)
map(_ -> zero_instance, coords)
field = fields[1]
f(x) = x+x
## Indexing outside of loops
field.:1 .= FT(1) # runs
id = 2+3
field.:($id) .= FT(3) # runs
field.:($(2+3)) # does not run
field.:($(2+3)) .= FT(0) # runs
@. field.:($(2+3)) = FT(0) # does not run
field.:($$(2+3)) # does not run
@. field.:($$(2+3)) = FT(0) # runs
@. field.:1 = f(field.:1) # runs
@. field.:($$(2+3)) = f(field.:1) # runs
@. field.:($$(2+3)) = f(field.:($$(2+3))) # does not run
The rules are slightly different in loops: This all runs
for i in 1:9
ip1 = i+1
field.:($i) .= field.:($ip1)
@. field.:($$i) = FT(0)
@. field.:($$ip1) = FT(0)
@. field.:($$ip1) = field.:($$ip1)
@. field.:($$(i+1)) = field.:($$ip1)
This does not
for i in 1:9
@. field.:($$(i+1)) = field.:($$(i+1))
Describe the solution you'd like Documentation and explanation in a central repository, since this type of indexing is done in multiple repos.
@juliasloan25 @charleskawczynski
One general rule that I think I'm seeing is that if we interpolate integers into a getproperty
call (.:($i)
) is that we need an extra interpolation (extra $
) if it's inside a broadcast expression.