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[Innawood] npc backgrounds
Mods "[Innawood] npc backgrounds"
Purpose of change
Realism, consistency
Describe the solution
Takes existing vanilla NPC backgrounds and removes references to things blocked by innawood. Surprisingly similar so far. Removes quests and items blocked by innawood
Describe alternatives you've considered
Write new things, creating a new consistent or conflicting innawood lore. May still do.
Additional context
Follow up to some previous effort to make NPC quests work in innawood
Great work so far! Certainly an improvement.
Some possible ideas (but not demands) for improvements:
- NPCs could comment on the lack of traces of civilisation. The comments could range from oblivious ("Yeah I ran off into the woods. of course there are no humans here") to puzzled ("Thought I would have come upon a road or powerline by now"), all the way to panicking ("I tried to go back, and it's all gone! No trace of our civilization! Wow could this happen?!")
- Perhaps make less comments about zombies and more comments about other threats, such as giant insects instead. (Also if dinomod is installed, they could make comments about dino zombies). Alternatively, the NPCs that talk about how many zombies they've killed could make some sort of remark over how there are not many zombies around here, and express warrying degree of confusion over why that is the case.
- Expecting rescue makes sense when waiting in a refugee center. It makes less sense when hanging out in an unmarked cave in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps remove lines about expecting rescue.
- Could be fun if CWH_GUNG_HO_2_IDEAS2b checks if Dinomod is loaded, and if it is, alter the response to something around the lines of "...and that's what killed the dinosaurs. Didn't seem to stick though. But, you know."
@Light-Wave <3 <3 Probably best left off for another PR, though.
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- Anyway, long story short, I were headin' back up to Mount Greenwood to check on th'old campin' place again when I heard all that trouble start. Decided to camp out there to see it all through, but it didn't ever end, now, did it? So here I am.
- Be patient! I'm almost done. Now up the top o' Mount Greenwood there used to be a nice campin' place, that woulda been before you were born. Whole area burnt up that one year, they said it were lightnin' but you an' I both know it were just kids partyin'. Rusty G an' I left ol' yeller behind and wen' in to check it out. Burnt out woods looked haunted, we figgered there were some o' them damn kids rummagin' around in there, neckin' or whatnot. Rusty G brought his boom stick, and lucky thing cuz o' what we saw..
- Now up the top o' Mount Greenwood there used to be a nice campin' place, that woulda been before you were born. Whole area burnt up that one year, they said it were lightnin' but you an' I both know it were just kids partyin'. Rusty G an' I left ol' yeller behind and wen' in to check it out. Burnt out woods looked haunted, we figgered there were some o' them damn kids rummagin' around in there, neckin' or whatnot. Rusty G brought his boom stick, and lucky thing cuz o' what we saw.
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