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Bookmarks not pulling due to special symbols

Open brandongohwh opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

I have a problem when bookmarks with special symbols are synced. In my case, I sync bookmarks between 3 computers (which I'll refer to as com1, com2 and com3) respectively.

I had a bookmark from my university which included the '@' symbol in the bookmark name. The problem is that while I am able to push the bookmark to dropbox from com1, I cannot force pull the bookmarks on any of my other computer. Com2 had all my bookmarks wiped when I perform force pull the first time, while on com3 only that bookmark will disappear. The second time I force pull on both com2 and com3, that single bookmark is downloaded twice (with other bookmarks remaining untouched). The third time will see the duplicate bookmarks removed again and this just repeats.

Perhaps this is a case of not being able to handle special characters? While I love this extension, this needs to be fixed. (This is reproducible on any bookmark with '@', at least for me)

brandongohwh avatar Dec 19 '19 13:12 brandongohwh

Thanks for the report, someone else had mentioned something similar to me in an email as well so I'll do my best to get to the bottom of the issue. The information you gave regarding the @ symbol will be super helpful!

Cleod9 avatar Dec 31 '19 05:12 Cleod9