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[Feature Request] tab syncing?

Open srd424 opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Any chance that open tabs could be synced, even in a very simple way? I'd be happy for e.g. an automatic save of open tabs to a nominated bookmarks folder, and then to have that synced..

srd424 avatar Oct 07 '19 22:10 srd424

I think the sync approach used by syncmarx could be extended to other areas as well like tab syncing, but the question would be whether or not that makes sense in this extension (since it could be done with or without bookmarks).

Curious, would you sync tabs with the purpose of restoring your session between machines? Or are you mainly just looking for an easy way to bookmark all of your open tabs to a target folder?

Cleod9 avatar Oct 16 '19 02:10 Cleod9

Main use for me would be firing up laptop on train and being able to pick up work that I was doing on desktop. I don't always use the same browser on every machine, so native sync features not an option -- also trying to reduce my dependence on e.g. Google services.

As I say, it doesn't need to be pretty - just so long as I can get at that info!

srd424 avatar Oct 16 '19 13:10 srd424