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A lightweight, simple service locator and message router framework for Unity apps
A lightweight, simple service locator and message router framework for Unity apps.
Use this package to reduce coupling and keep your game flexible. Unlike other frameworks, Frictionless:
- Doesn't bring along a ton of baggage
- Is completely aware of
, and other Unity concepts and plays nicely with them - Doesn't force a single, opinionated style onto your architecture
Frictionless gives you two tools:
: a dirt simple service locator. -
: a flexible, general purpose message router.
Download the .unitypackage from the Releases tab above and import into your project.
Use ServiceFactory
to prevent your components from needing to reference one another directly and to prevent your components from needing to know the concrete types of services that they depend on. You can use it to track and instantiate singletons and/or regular instances of any class. It is aware of Unity's MonoBehaviour
and will automatically create GameObject
s to host those on if needed.
Register and Resolve
Use a simple singleton like this:
// Your singleton MonoBehaviour ...
class Player : MonoBehaviour
public void TakeDamage(int hitPoints)
// Argh!
// In one place at startup, register a singleton instance of your player like this:
// A GameObject with the Player component is now in your scene
// Later, in any other class anywhere in the project, do stuff with Player:
You can also code against interfaces so that the concrete implementation can change based on different contexts:
interface IStore
bool Purchase(string sku);
// Elsewhere...
class AppleStore : IStore
private static extern bool PurchaseNative(string sku);
public bool Purchase(string sku)
return PurchaseNative(sku);
// And still elsewhere...
class GooglePlayStore : IStore
public bool Purchase(string sku)
using (AndroidJavaClass cls = new AndroidJavaClass(""))
return cls.CallStatic<bool>("purchase", sku);
// And other stores...
// At game startup:
void Awake()
ServiceFactory.Instance.RegisterSingleton<IStore, AppleStore>();
ServiceFactory.Instance.RegisterSingleton<IStore, GooglePlayStore>();
// Then at purchase time from anywhere else...
void HandlePurchaseGemsButtonTapped()
The same thing works with transient objects - instead of RegisterSingleton
use Register
. Callers will then receive new instances of the correct concrete type whenever they Resolve
instead of getting a reference to the same instance.
Route Messages
But this is still too hard wired because someone had to explicitly call Player.TakeDamage
, so they needed knowledge of Player
. Use MessageRouter
to decouple even more!
// Create a new message (messages can be *any* reference type)
public class PlayerDamageMessage
public int HitPoints { get; set; }
// Subscribe to this message in relevant places:
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
private void HandleDamageTaken(PlayerDamageMessage msg)
this.hitPoints -= msg.HitPoints;
if (this.hitPoints <= 0)
// Argh!!! Play a death animation or somefink!
// Elsewhere...
public class PlayerHitPointsGUIWidget : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
// You can use lambdas instead of methods if you like (OK under AOT on iOS)
MessageRouter.AddMessageHandler<PlayerDamageMessage>((msg) =>
displayedHitPoints -= msg.HitPoints;
myTextLabel.text = String.Format("{0:n0}", displayedHitPoints);
myHealthBar.width = displayedHitPoints * 100;
// And elsewhere ...
public class ScreenBloodImageEffect : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
private void HandleDamageTaken(PlayerDamageMessage msg)
// Show blood stains on the screen in post process effects!
bloodAmount = msg.HitPoints * 10;
// When shit hits the fan, announce to the world that the player is taking damage
void Update()
if (volcanoExploded)
MessageRouter.RaiseMessage(new PlayerDamageMessage() { HitPoints = 100 });
// Everything in the system that cares will handle the message, but the volcano didn't need to know about any of them!
In real projects, it's typical to reuse a few message instances instead of new
ing them each time you raise them (just change their properties and raise again). Regular GC best practices apply here.
Changing Scenes and Unloading
If you change scenes in your game, then you need to clear your message handlers and service registrations to prevent accidentally carrying references to dead objects across to the new scene. Doing this is simple:
// First clear all message handlers and service registrations
// Then load your new scene
If you actually want message handlers to live across scene loads, then just use RemoveHandler
for all of the ones that should be removed and don't call Reset
. This requires a certain amount of discipline - you have to remember to RemoveHandler
for every AddHandler
that shouldn't survive into the new scene, but it's easy enought to do.
Or, implement the interface IMultiSceneSingleton
. The ServiceFactory
will automatically treat these as long-lived across the entire application lifetime. Be sure to initialize these with DontDestroyOnLoad
when you create them, as you normally would with any Unity object that's going to outlive the scene it's in.
MVVM and Higher Architecture
With ServiceFactory
and MessageRouter
, you have all of the building blocks that you need to implement MVVM or other patterns that separate view from logic. Frictionless itself doesn't care - you're free to go full MVVM or to apply a smaller subset of that pattern to only those places where you feel it adds genuine value.
There are many existing frameworks like Strange IoC that provide this kind of functionality, but I hate them because they're unnecessarily heavy and opinionated. In contrast, Frictionless does not commit these sins:
- Force you to arrange your hierarchy of GameObjects in ways that accomodate message routing. Transforms have parents for the sake of applying transformations - NOT for the sake of organizing objects into contexts for message routing! Frictionless doesn't force any kind of hierarchy on you at all - do what's right for your game!
- Force you to apply MVVM or other patterns - though you're welcome to if you like!
- Shackle you into heavy, verbose, repetitive constructs throughout your project. You're encouraged to use message routing and service resolution in only those places where it actually helps! It's quite fine to forego these in places where they're not needed. Be pragmatic and use these tools only where they help!
- Force you to use attributes that cause "magic" to happen at runtime - magic that is hard to debug when things break in production across platforms. You can easily debug every call into
to see exactly what's happening (which is very little, by the way!)