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C# code generator for Oracle packages
Odapter - a C# code generator for Oracle packages
Odapter is a single-file desktop application that generates C# adapter classes to provide integration with Oracle packages. An adapter class handles the invocation of a package's procedures and the hydration of interface-implementing DTO collections from returned cursor results sets, both typed (record based) and untyped (simple REF CURSOR). From within the IDE, the generated code provides the .NET developer de facto compile-time resolution with the packages. Optionally, standalone C# DTOs (class or record) can be generated from Oracle objects, tables and views.
Minimum System Requirements
- Oracle RDBMS 11g
- Windows 64-bit
- .NET Versions
- Generator application: .NET 4.6.2 minimum
- Destination project: .NET 4.0 (minimum) or .NET 5.0 (minimum)
- ODP.NET for destination project
- .NET 4.x: Managed Driver 12.2.x
- .NET 5.0+: Managed Driver Core 3.2.x
Oracle to C# Translation Examples
PL/SQL and Schema Objects | C# |
Case insensitive | Case sensitive |
snake_case naming | PascalCase & camelCase naming |
Package Record Field | Property |
Package Record | Interface of properties (mutable or immutable) |
Function or Stored Procedure (packaged) | Method |
Package | Singleton class of methods and interfaces |
Schema | Namespace (with nesting) |
Object, Table, View | Interface of properties (mutable or immutable) |
Code Generation Features
- Generates adapter class for each package with respective method for each procedure/function
- Generates nested interface for each package record as either:
- mutable class
- immutable record, including positional style with parameterless constructor (C# 9.0 only)
- Translates all common Oracle data types to C#
- Configurable translation of Oracle REF CURSROR (typed and untyped) to IList, ICollection, or List
- Configurable translation of Oracle integer-indexed associative array type to IList or List of value type
- Configurable translation of Oracle INTEGER, NUMBER, DATE, TIMESTAMP types, including options for ODP.NET safe types (OracleDecimal, OracleDate, OracleTimestamp)
- Configurable translation of Oracle BLOB and CLOB/NCLOB types, including options for ODP.NET safe types (OracleBlob, OracleClob)
- Translates Oracle IN, OUT and IN OUT parameters to C#
- Translates Oracle optional (defaulted) parameters to C#
- Generates interface for each object, table, and view as either:
- mutable class
- immutable record, including positional style with parameterless constructor (C# 9.0 only)
- Generates ancestor adapter class for customization
- Generates default database connection logic for customization
- Configurable C# namespaces, ancestor class names and file names
- Generates post hook for profiling a package procedure invoked from C#
- Optionally filters schema objects via prefix and/or special characters
- Optionally generates C# package adapter classes as partial
- Generates C# 4.0 compatible code (.NET 4.0+) or C# 9.0 compatible code (.NET 5+)
- Generates single C# file for all packages, objects, tables and views, respectively
- Handles package referencing a record defined in a different package (including filtered)
- Easily adaptable to legacy .NET projects and Oracle schemas
- Locates and parses local TNSNAMES.ORA for Oracle instances
- Persists code generation settings to config file for handling multiple projects/schemas
Run Time Features - Packages
- Invokes packaged functions and stored procedures
- Hydrates a List of (package record derived) DTOs from a returned (incl. OUT param) typed cursor result set
- Hydrates a List of DTOs from a returned untyped cursor result set using configurable mapping:
- Mapping by name: column name to property name (snake_case column translated to public PascalCase property, or protected camelCase field or private underscore-prefixed camelCase field)
- Mapping by position: column position to property position via HydratorMapAttribute attribute
- For performance, uses thread-safe static cache for mappings of C# DTO to Oracle result set
- Constructs (from underlying columns) and hydrates DataTable from returned untyped cursor result set; captions are generated from column name or alias
- Optionally limits the number of rows returned from any cursor result set
Getting Started: Generating Code for Packages
- Download Odapter.exe from OdapterWnFrm/bin/Release and run
- If Oracle Client Homes are found, select appropriate value
- Select Instance (If TNSNAMES.ORA file is not found/parsed in Step 2, Instance can be entered)
- Enter Schema, Login and Password
- If the destination project uses only a prefixed subset of the schema's packages, enter Filter Prefix value
- Enter the Output Path for all generated files (destination project folder)
- Select either 4.0 or 9.0 for C# Version Generated
- For all other fields, use default settings
- Click Generate
- After successful generation, enter a project based .config file name in File Source and click Save Current
- Open the destination project and add the generated files
- Install the managed ODP.NET driver, OracleManagedDataAccess 12.2.x for C# 4.0 and OracleManagedDataAccess.Core 3.2.x for C# 9.0.
- Add "using Schema.YourSchemaName.YourFilterPrefixIfAny.Package" to destination project files in order to access packages
For examples, see code below, Tester.cs and Tester.NET5.cs.
Code Example
Package Specification - Tester/schema/package/xmpl_pkg_example.pks
-- assoc array of integers
-- typed cursor
TYPE t_table_big_partial IS RECORD (
id odpt_table_big.id%TYPE, -- NUMBER
col_integer odpt_table_big.col_integer%TYPE, -- INTEGER
col_number odpt_table_big.col_number%TYPE, -- NUMBER
col_varchar2_max odpt_table_big.col_varchar2_max%TYPE, -- VARCHAR2(4000)
col_date odpt_table_big.col_date%TYPE, -- DATE
col_timestamp odpt_table_big.col_timestamp%TYPE); -- TIMESTAMP
TYPE t_ref_cursor_table_big_partial IS REF CURSOR RETURN t_table_big_partial;
-- untyped cursor
TYPE t_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
FUNCTION get_rows_typed_ret (p_in_number IN NUMBER, p_in_out_varchar2 IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_in_out_assocarray_integer IN OUT t_assocarray_integer,
p_out_date OUT DATE) RETURN t_ref_cursor_table_big_partial;
FUNCTION get_rows_untyped_ret (p_in_integer IN INTEGER) RETURN t_ref_cursor;
END xmpl_pkg_example;
Package Body - Tester/schema/package/xmpl_pkg_example.pkb
FUNCTION get_rows_typed_ret (p_in_number IN NUMBER, p_in_out_varchar2 IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_in_out_assocarray_integer IN OUT t_assocarray_integer,
p_out_date OUT DATE) RETURN t_ref_cursor_table_big_partial IS
l_cursor t_ref_cursor_table_big_partial;
l_idx INTEGER;
OPEN l_cursor FOR
SELECT id, col_integer, col_number, col_varchar2_max, col_date, col_timestamp
FROM odpt_table_big
-- multiply each value in assoc array by 7 before returning
l_idx := p_in_out_assocarray_integer.FIRST;
p_in_out_assocarray_integer(l_idx) := p_in_out_assocarray_integer(l_idx) * 7;
l_idx := p_in_out_assocarray_integer.NEXT(l_idx);
p_in_out_varchar2 := 'Goodbye';
p_out_date := TO_DATE ('31-DEC-1999');
RETURN l_cursor;
FUNCTION get_rows_untyped_ret (p_in_integer IN INTEGER) RETURN t_ref_cursor IS
l_cursor t_ref_cursor;
OPEN l_cursor FOR -- dynamic SQL, result set is dynamically typed
'SELECT id, col_integer, col_number,
col_varchar2_max varchar2_max_col /* use alias to test DataTable caption */,
col_date, col_timestamp
FROM odpt_table_big
RETURN l_cursor;
END xmpl_pkg_example;
Generation for C# 4.0
Generated C# 4.0 Code - Example/generated/OdptXmplPackage.cs
// <auto-generated>
// This code was auto-generated by Odapter 2.01 on Tue, 08 Jun 2021 20:19:04 GMT.
// Direct edits will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Linq;
using Odapter;
namespace Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package {
public sealed partial class XmplPkgExample : Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.OdptAdapter {
private XmplPkgExample() { }
private static readonly XmplPkgExample _instance = new XmplPkgExample();
public static XmplPkgExample Instance { get { return _instance; } }
public interface ITTableBigPartial {
Int64? Id { set; }
Int64? ColInteger { set; }
Decimal? ColNumber { set; }
String ColVarchar2Max { set; }
DateTime? ColDate { set; }
OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { set; }
} // ITTableBigPartial
public IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> ReadResultITTableBigPartial<TypeITTableBigPartial>(OracleDataReader rdr, UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null)
where TypeITTableBigPartial : class, ITTableBigPartial, new() {
IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> __ret = new List<TypeITTableBigPartial>();
if (rdr != null && rdr.HasRows) {
while (rdr.Read()) {
TypeITTableBigPartial obj = new TypeITTableBigPartial();
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(0)) obj.Id = Convert.ToInt64(rdr.GetValue(0));
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(1)) obj.ColInteger = Convert.ToInt64(rdr.GetValue(1));
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(2)) obj.ColNumber = (Decimal?)OracleDecimal.SetPrecision(rdr.GetOracleDecimal(2), 28);
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(3)) obj.ColVarchar2Max = Convert.ToString(rdr.GetValue(3));
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(4)) obj.ColDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rdr.GetValue(4));
if (!rdr.IsDBNull(5)) obj.ColTimestamp = (OracleTimeStamp?)rdr.GetOracleValue(5);
if (optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor != null && __ret.Count >= optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor) break;
return __ret;
} // ReadResultITTableBigPartial
public IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> GetRowsTypedRet<TypeITTableBigPartial>(Decimal? pInNumber, ref String pInOutVarchar2, ref IList<Int64?> pInOutAssocarrayInteger, out DateTime? pOutDate,
UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null, OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null)
where TypeITTableBigPartial : class, ITTableBigPartial, new() {
IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> __ret = new List<TypeITTableBigPartial>(); pOutDate = null;
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_TYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_NUMBER", OracleDbType.Decimal, pInNumber, ParameterDirection.Input));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 32767, pInOutVarchar2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, 50000, null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput));
__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value = (pInOutAssocarrayInteger == null || pInOutAssocarrayInteger.Count == 0 ? new Int64?[]{} : pInOutAssocarrayInteger.ToArray());
__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_OUT_DATE", OracleDbType.Date, null, ParameterDirection.Output));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = ReadResultITTableBigPartial<TypeITTableBigPartial>(__rdr, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
pInOutVarchar2 = __cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2"].Status == OracleParameterStatus.NullFetched
? (String)null
: Convert.ToString(__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2"].Value.ToString());
pInOutAssocarrayInteger = new List<Int64?>();
for (int _i = 0; _i < (__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[]).Length; _i++)
pInOutAssocarrayInteger.Add((__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[])[_i].IsNull
? (Int64?)null
: Convert.ToInt64(((__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[])[_i].ToString())));
pOutDate = __cmd.Parameters["P_OUT_DATE"].Status == OracleParameterStatus.NullFetched
? (DateTime?)null
: Convert.ToDateTime(__cmd.Parameters["P_OUT_DATE"].Value.ToString());
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsTypedRet
public IList<TypeReturnUntyped> GetRowsUntypedRet<TypeReturnUntyped>(Int64? pInInteger,
bool mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition = false, bool allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded = false, UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null,
OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null)
where TypeReturnUntyped : class, new() {
IList<TypeReturnUntyped> __ret = new List<TypeReturnUntyped>();
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_UNTYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, pInInteger, ParameterDirection.Input));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = Hydrator.ReadResult<TypeReturnUntyped>(__rdr, mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition, allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsUntypedRet
public DataTable GetRowsUntypedRet(Int64? pInInteger, Boolean convertColumnNameToTitleCaseInCaption = false, UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null, OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null) {
DataTable __ret = null;
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_UNTYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, pInInteger, ParameterDirection.Input));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = Hydrator.ReadResult(__rdr, convertColumnNameToTitleCaseInCaption, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Rows.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsUntypedRet
} // XmplPkgExample
} // Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package
Executing Generated C# 4.0 Code - Example/Example.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package; // generated code for packages
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types; // ODP.NET safe types
using Odapter; // attribute used to map by position
namespace OdapterExample {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
(new Example()).Run();
// The following DTO classes will be used in different ways for the same result set.
// Inherits the package record type DTO, adding custom properties
public class DtoImplemented : XmplPkgExample.ITTableBigPartial { // no mapping required
public Int64? Id { get; set; }
public Int64? ColInteger { get; set; }
public Decimal? ColNumber { get; set; }
public String ColVarchar2Max { get; set; }
public DateTime? ColDate { get; set; }
public OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { get; set; } // ODP.NET safe type struct
// Implements the package record type's interface, adding custom properties
public class DtoImplementedWithCustom : XmplPkgExample.ITTableBigPartial { // no mapping required
public Int64? Id { get; set; }
public Int64? ColInteger { get; set; }
public Decimal? ColNumber { get; set; }
public String ColVarchar2Max { get; set; }
public DateTime? ColDate { get; set; }
public OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { get; set; } // ODP.NET safe type struct
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
// Custom DTO for map by name with only 4 column properties (Date, Timestamp col excluded)
public class DtoCustomMapByName { // Column type and name must match, order and alias irrelvant
public Int64? Id { get; set; } // maps id to PascalCase public property
public Int64? ColInteger { get; set; } // maps col_integer to PascalCase public property
protected Decimal? colNumber; // maps col_number to camelCase non-public field
public Decimal? MyNumber { get { return colNumber; } set { colNumber = value; } } // PascalCase public property will not map
private String _colVarchar2Max; // maps col_varchar2_max to underscore prefixed camelCase non-public field
public virtual String MyVarchar2Max { get { return _colVarchar2Max; } set { _colVarchar2Max = value; } } // PascalCase public property will not map
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
// Custom DTO for map by position with only 4 column properties (Date, Timestamp cols excluded)
public class DtoCustomMapByPosition { // Column type and order must match, name and alias irrelevant.
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 0)] // maps to column 0 (first column)
public Int64? MyCol1 { get; set; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 1)] // maps to column 1
public Int64? MyCol2 { get; set; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 2)] // maps to column 2
public Decimal? MyCol3 { get; set; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 3)] // maps to column 3
public String MyCol4 { get; set; }
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; set; } // custom property
public class Example {
private const String HELLO = "Hello", GOODBYE = "Goodbye";
public void Run() {
(new OdapterExample.Example()).Test();
public void Test() {
uint? rowLimit = 25; // limit result sets to 25 rows, underlying table has over 1000 rows
Int64? pInInt64 = 999999999999999999; // 18 digit long
Decimal? pInDecimal = 79228162514264337593543950335M; // 28 digit decimal (Decimal.MaxValue)
String pInOutString = HELLO;
DateTime? pOutDate;
// List used as argument for Oracle associative array
IList<Int64?> pInOutListInt64, somePrimeNumbers = new List<Int64?> { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 29, 31 };
// DTO IList<T>s and a datatable to be hydrated from Oracle cursor
IList<DtoImplemented> dtoInheritedResultSet;
IList<DtoImplementedWithCustom> dtoImplementedResultSet;
IList<DtoCustomMapByName> dtoOriginalMapByNameResultSet;
IList<DtoCustomMapByPosition> dtoOriginalMapByPositionLResultSet;
DataTable dataTable;
// 1. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from typed result set by using DTO implementing package record interface.
pInOutListInt64 = somePrimeNumbers;
dtoInheritedResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsTypedRet<DtoImplemented>(pInDecimal, ref pInOutString, ref pInOutListInt64, out pOutDate, rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(dtoInheritedResultSet.Count == rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(pInOutString.Equals(GOODBYE)); // confirm OUT string arg from package function
for (int i = 0; i < pInOutListInt64.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(pInOutListInt64[i].Equals(somePrimeNumbers[i] * 7)); // confirm all values were multiplied by 7 in func
Debug.Assert(pOutDate.Equals(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31))); // confirm OUT date arg from package function
// 2. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from typed result set by using DTO implementing package record interface with additional properties.
pInOutListInt64 = somePrimeNumbers;
dtoImplementedResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsTypedRet<DtoImplementedWithCustom>(pInDecimal, ref pInOutString, ref pInOutListInt64, out pOutDate, rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(dtoImplementedResultSet.Count == rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(pInOutString.Equals(GOODBYE)); // confirm OUT string arg from package function
for (int i = 0; i < pInOutListInt64.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(pInOutListInt64[i].Equals(somePrimeNumbers[i] * 7)); // confirm all values were multiplied by 7 in func
Debug.Assert(pOutDate.Equals(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31))); // confirm OUT date arg from package function
// 3. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column name to property name (default);
// unmapped columns will be ignored (non-default).
dtoOriginalMapByNameResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet<DtoCustomMapByName>(pInInt64, false, true, rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(dtoOriginalMapByNameResultSet.Count == rowLimit);
// 4. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column name to property name (default);
// an unmapped column will throw (default).
try {
dtoOriginalMapByNameResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet<DtoCustomMapByName>(pInInt64, false, false, rowLimit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("Hydrator.BuildMappings")) Debug.Assert(false);
// 5. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column position to property position (non-default);
// unmapped columns will be ignored (non-default)
dtoOriginalMapByPositionLResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet<DtoCustomMapByPosition>(pInInt64, true, true, rowLimit);
// 6. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column position to property position (non-default);
// an unmapped column will throw (default).
try {
dtoOriginalMapByPositionLResultSet = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet<DtoCustomMapByPosition>(pInInt64, true, false, rowLimit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("Hydrator.BuildMappings")) Debug.Assert(false);
// 7. Hydrate Datatable from all columns in untyped result set, column names are converted to DataTable captions.
// No DTO or generic required.
dataTable = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet(pInInt64, true, rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(dataTable.Rows.Count == rowLimit);
List<String> dataTableCaptions = new List<string> { "Id", "Col Integer", "Col Number", "Varchar2 Max Col", "Col Date", "Col Timestamp" };
for (int i = 0; i < dataTableCaptions.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(dataTable.Columns[i].Caption.Equals(dataTableCaptions[i])); // confirm captions were created from column name
Generation for C# 9.0
Generated C# 9.0 Code - Example.NET5/generated/OdptXmplPackage.cs
// <auto-generated>
// This code was auto-generated by Odapter 2.01 on Wed, 09 Jun 2021 19:26:48 GMT.
// Direct edits will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Linq;
using Odapter;
namespace Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package {
public sealed partial class XmplPkgExample : Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.OdptAdapter {
private XmplPkgExample() { }
private static readonly XmplPkgExample _instance = new XmplPkgExample();
public static XmplPkgExample Instance { get { return _instance; } }
public interface ITTableBigPartial {
Int64? Id { get; init; }
Int64? ColInteger { get; init; }
Decimal? ColNumber { get; init; }
String ColVarchar2Max { get; init; }
DateTime? ColDate { get; init; }
OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { get; init; }
} // ITTableBigPartial
public IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> GetRowsTypedRet<TypeITTableBigPartial>(Decimal? pInNumber, ref String pInOutVarchar2, ref IList<Int64?> pInOutAssocarrayInteger, out DateTime? pOutDate,
UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null, OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null)
where TypeITTableBigPartial : class, ITTableBigPartial, new() {
IList<TypeITTableBigPartial> __ret = new List<TypeITTableBigPartial>(); pOutDate = null;
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_TYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_NUMBER", OracleDbType.Decimal, pInNumber, ParameterDirection.Input));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 32767, pInOutVarchar2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, 65535, null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput));
__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value = (pInOutAssocarrayInteger == null || pInOutAssocarrayInteger.Count == 0 ? new Int64?[]{} : pInOutAssocarrayInteger.ToArray());
__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_OUT_DATE", OracleDbType.Date, null, ParameterDirection.Output));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = Hydrator.ReadResult<TypeITTableBigPartial>(__rdr, false, false, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
pInOutVarchar2 = __cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2"].Status == OracleParameterStatus.NullFetched
? (String)null
: Convert.ToString(__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_VARCHAR2"].Value.ToString());
pInOutAssocarrayInteger = new List<Int64?>();
for (int _i = 0; _i < (__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[]).Length; _i++)
pInOutAssocarrayInteger.Add((__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[])[_i].IsNull
? (Int64?)null
: Convert.ToInt64(((__cmd.Parameters["P_IN_OUT_ASSOCARRAY_INTEGER"].Value as OracleDecimal[])[_i].ToString())));
pOutDate = __cmd.Parameters["P_OUT_DATE"].Status == OracleParameterStatus.NullFetched
? (DateTime?)null
: Convert.ToDateTime(__cmd.Parameters["P_OUT_DATE"].Value.ToString());
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsTypedRet
public IList<TypeReturnUntyped> GetRowsUntypedRet<TypeReturnUntyped>(Int64? pInInteger,
bool mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition = false, bool allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded = false, UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null,
OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null)
where TypeReturnUntyped : class, new() {
IList<TypeReturnUntyped> __ret = new List<TypeReturnUntyped>();
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_UNTYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, pInInteger, ParameterDirection.Input));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = Hydrator.ReadResult<TypeReturnUntyped>(__rdr, mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition, allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsUntypedRet
public DataTable GetRowsUntypedRet(Int64? pInInteger, Boolean convertColumnNameToTitleCaseInCaption = false, UInt32? optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor = null, OracleConnection optionalPreexistingOpenConnection = null) {
DataTable __ret = null;
OracleConnection __conn = optionalPreexistingOpenConnection ?? GetConnection();
try {
using (OracleCommand __cmd = new OracleCommand("ODPT.XMPL_PKG_EXAMPLE.GET_ROWS_UNTYPED_RET", __conn)) {
__cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
__cmd.BindByName = true;
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("!RETURN", OracleDbType.RefCursor, null, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue));
__cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("P_IN_INTEGER", OracleDbType.Int64, pInInteger, ParameterDirection.Input));
OracleCommandTrace __cmdTrace = IsTracing(__cmd) ? new OracleCommandTrace(__cmd) : null;
int __rowsAffected = __cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (!((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).IsNull)
using (OracleDataReader __rdr = ((OracleRefCursor)__cmd.Parameters["!RETURN"].Value).GetDataReader()) {
__ret = Hydrator.ReadResult(__rdr, convertColumnNameToTitleCaseInCaption, optionalMaxNumberRowsToReadFromAnyCursor);
} // using OracleDataReader
if (__cmdTrace != null) TraceCompletion(__cmdTrace, __ret.Rows.Count);
} // using OracleCommand
} finally {
if (optionalPreexistingOpenConnection == null) {
return __ret;
} // GetRowsUntypedRet
} // XmplPkgExample
} // Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package
Executing Generated C# 9.0 Code - Example.NET5/Example.NET5.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Schema.Odpt.Xmpl.Package; // generated code for packages
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types; // ODP.NET safe types
using Odapter; // attribute used to map by position
namespace OdapterExample.NET5 {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
(new Example()).Run();
// The following DTO classes will be used in different ways for the same result set.
// Implements the package record's immutable interface
public record DtoImplemented : XmplPkgExample.ITTableBigPartial { // no mapping required
public Int64? Id { get; init; }
public Int64? ColInteger { get; init; }
public Decimal? ColNumber { get; init; }
public String ColVarchar2Max { get; init; }
public DateTime? ColDate { get; init; }
public OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { get; init; } // ODP.NET safe type struct
// Implements the package record's immutable interface Custom positional record (w/ parameterless constructor) DTO with only 4 column properties (Date and Timestamp columns are excluded)
public record DtoImplementedPositionalRecord(
Int64? Id,
Int64? ColInteger,
Decimal? ColNumber,
String ColVarchar2Max,
DateTime? ColDate,
OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp) : XmplPkgExample.ITTableBigPartial { // no mapping required
public DtoImplementedPositionalRecord() : this(default, default, default, default, default, default) { }
// Implements the package record's immutable interface, adding custom properties
public record DtoImplementedWithCustom : XmplPkgExample.ITTableBigPartial { // no mapping required
public Int64? Id { get; init; }
public Int64? ColInteger { get; init; }
public Decimal? ColNumber { get; init; }
public String ColVarchar2Max { get; init; }
public DateTime? ColDate { get; init; }
public OracleTimeStamp? ColTimestamp { get; init; } // ODP.NET safe type struct
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; init; } // custom property, can be ignored during hydration
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; init; } // custom property, can be ignored during hydration
// Custom DTO for mapping by name hydration with only 4 column properties (Date and Timestamp columns are excluded)
public record DtoCustomMapByName { // Column type and name must match, order and alias irrelvant
public Int64? Id { get; init; } // maps id to PascalCase public property
public Int64? ColInteger { get; init; } // maps col_integer to PascalCase public property
public Decimal? MyNumber { // PascalCase public property will not map
get { return colNumber; } set { colNumber = value; }
} protected Decimal? colNumber; // maps col_number to camelCase non-public field
public virtual String MyVarchar2Max // PascalCase public property will not map
{ get { return _colVarchar2Max; } set { _colVarchar2Max = value; }
} private String _colVarchar2Max; // maps col_varchar2_max to underscore prefixed camelCase non-public field
// custom properties, can be ignored during hydration
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; init; }
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; init; }
// Custom DTO for mappping by position for hydration with only 4 column properties (Date and Timestamp columns are excluded)
public record DtoCustomMapByPosition { // Column type and order must match, name and alias irrelevant.
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 0)] // maps to column 0 (first column)
public Int64? MyCol1 { get; init; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 1)] // maps to column 1
public Int64? MyCol2 { get; init; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 2)] // maps to column 2
public Decimal? MyCol3 { get; init; }
[HydratorMapAttribute(Position = 3)] // maps to column 3
public String MyCol4 { get; init; }
// custom properties, can be ignored during hydration
public String StringPropertyExtra { get; init; }
public List<Int32> Int32ListPropertyExtra { get; init; }
public class Example {
private const String HELLO = "Hello", GOODBYE = "Goodbye";
public void Run() {
(new OdapterExample.NET5.Example()).Test();
public void Test() {
uint? rowLimit = 25; // limit result sets to 25 rows, underlying table has over 1000 rows
Int64? pInInt64 = 999999999999999999; // 18 digit long
Decimal? pInDecimal = 79228162514264337593543950335M; // 28 digit decimal (Decimal.MaxValue)
String pInOutString = HELLO;
DateTime? pOutDate;
// List used as argument for Oracle associative array
IList<Int64?> pInOutListInt64, somePrimeNumbers = new List<Int64?> { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 29, 31 };
// 1a. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from typed result set by using DTO implementing package record interface.
pInOutListInt64 = somePrimeNumbers;
Debug.Assert(XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsTypedRet<DtoImplemented>(pInDecimal, ref pInOutString, ref pInOutListInt64, out pOutDate, rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(pInOutString.Equals(GOODBYE)); // confirm OUT string arg from package function
for (int i = 0; i < pInOutListInt64.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(pInOutListInt64[i].Equals(somePrimeNumbers[i] * 7)); // confirm all values were multiplied by 7 in func
Debug.Assert(pOutDate.Equals(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31))); // confirm OUT date arg from package function
// 1b. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from typed result set by using DTO positional record implementing package record interface.
pInOutListInt64 = somePrimeNumbers;
Debug.Assert(XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsTypedRet<DtoImplementedPositionalRecord>(pInDecimal, ref pInOutString, ref pInOutListInt64, out pOutDate, rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(pInOutString.Equals(GOODBYE)); // confirm OUT string arg from package function
for (int i = 0; i < pInOutListInt64.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(pInOutListInt64[i].Equals(somePrimeNumbers[i] * 7)); // confirm all values were multiplied by 7 in func
Debug.Assert(pOutDate.Equals(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31))); // confirm OUT date arg from package function
// 2. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from typed result set by using DTO implementing package record interface with additional properties.
pInOutListInt64 = somePrimeNumbers;
Debug.Assert(XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsTypedRet<DtoImplementedWithCustom>(pInDecimal, ref pInOutString, ref pInOutListInt64, out pOutDate, rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(pInOutString.Equals(GOODBYE)); // confirm OUT string arg from package function
for (int i = 0; i < pInOutListInt64.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(pInOutListInt64[i].Equals(somePrimeNumbers[i] * 7)); // confirm all values were multiplied by 7 in func
Debug.Assert(pOutDate.Equals(new DateTime(1999, 12, 31))); // confirm OUT date arg from package function
// 3a. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column name to property name using custom positional record DTO;
// unmapped columns will be ignored.
mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition: false, // map by name
allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded: true,
rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
// 3b. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column name to property name using custom DTO;
// unmapped columns will be ignored (arg non-default).
mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition: false, // map by name
allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded: true,
rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
// 4. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column name to property name custom DTO;
// an unmapped column will throw.
try {
mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition: false, // map by name
allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded: false,
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("Hydrator.BuildMappings")) Debug.Assert(false);
// 5. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column position to property position using custom DTO with position attributes;
// unmapped columns will be ignored (non-default)
mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition: false, // map by position
allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded: true,
rowLimit).Count == rowLimit);
// 6. Hydrate DTO IList<T> from untyped result set by mapping column position to property position using custom DTO with position attributes;
// an unmapped column will throw (default).
try {
mapColumnToObjectPropertyByPosition: false, // map by position
allowUnmappedColumnsToBeExcluded: false,
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!ex.Message.StartsWith("Hydrator.BuildMappings")) Debug.Assert(false);
// 7. Hydrate Datatable from all columns in untyped result set, column names are converted to DataTable captions.
// No DTO or generic required.
DataTable dataTable = XmplPkgExample.Instance.GetRowsUntypedRet(pInInt64, true, rowLimit);
Debug.Assert(dataTable.Rows.Count == rowLimit);
List<String> dataTableCaptions = new List<string> { "Id", "Col Integer", "Col Number", "Varchar2 Max Col", "Col Date", "Col Timestamp" };
for (int i = 0; i < dataTableCaptions.Count; i++)
Debug.Assert(dataTable.Columns[i].Caption.Equals(dataTableCaptions[i])); // confirm captions were created from column name