PlaystoreDownloader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PlaystoreDownloader copied to clipboard

A command line tool to download Android applications directly from the Google Play Store by specifying their package name (an initial one-time configuration is required)

Results 20 PlaystoreDownloader issues
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Hello, Unfortunately the login fails despite correct login data App Password No Longer Works "To better protect your account, from 30 May 2022, Google will no longer support third-party apps...


Hi i get this error ``` 13/05/2022 10:30:51> [WARNING][playstoredownloader.playstore.util][wrapped()] Login failed, please check your credentials (retrying in 1s) ``` 2 day ago all worked


Is it possible to add **multiple credentials** file or json array , which have to work randomly when run the program. Actually i want to download multiple apk by running...


Hello there! I'm getting the following error message when I try to download an app from the Google Play Store: Security check is needed, try to visit to unlock,...


Is it possible to read the APK download link from the Google API with Protobuf, which can then be downloaded by anyone without cookies and without an IP restriction? So...


If I run this command: ~~~ python -m playstoredownloader.cli com.julofinance.juloapp ~~~ I get this result: ~~~ 01/04/2022 08:33:44> [ERROR][playstoredownloader.playstore.playstore.Playstore][download()] Error during the download: list index (0) out of range Traceback...


Hello there! Yesterday it starts showing error message from when I try to download an app from the Google Play Store: `[WARNING][playstore.util][wrapped()] Login failed, please check your credentials` I tried...


Hi, I'm using your tool (running 4a18844 from source) to automatically grab APKs for an app in different architecture (`arm64-v8a` and `armeabi-v7a`). I recently found my GSF ID for `v8a`...

help wanted

I've tried everything to make it works, My username and password are correct, no Gmail security, enabled everything to make it works, copied the android device id, downloaded applications using...