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More event sources
Would be great to support all the possible lambda event sources. My priority would be cronjobs then dynamo streams.
Would also be great if lambdafai automatically attached events from their sources to lambdas. Here is an example of how to attach a scheduled event:
lambda add-permission --function-name lambda-name --statement-id NewScheduledRule --action 'lambda:InvokeFunction' --principal --source-arn arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:rule/NewScheduledRule --qualifier dev
events put-rule --name NewScheduledRuled --schedule-expression 'rate(5 minutes)'
events put-targets --rule NewScheduledRuled --targets Id=1,Arn=arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:lambda-name:dev
- [x] CloudWatch Scheduled Event
- [x] API Gateway Authorizer
- [x] Cognito User Pools Trigger
- [ ] DynamoDb Update
- [ ] SQS events
- [ ] SES Email Receiving
- [ ] CloudFormation Create Request
- [ ] CloudWatch Logs
- [ ] SNS
- [ ] Cognito Sync Trigger
- [ ] Kinesis
- [ ] AWS Config Periodic Rule
- [ ] AWS Config Change Triggered Rule