macrame copied to clipboard
Macrame provides macro-based replacements for parts of the Scala standard library.
``` scala class F { def dslBuffer(seq: Seq[Int]): Unit = ??? } object O { @delegate val f: F = new F } ``` ``` Error:(30, 4) trait Seq takes...
The following code causes `/home/chris/Programming/macrame/macrame/src/test/scala/macrame/PostDelegateFailure.scala:9: recursive value byline needs type` ```scala object Post { final case class Byline() } final case class CleanPost(byline : Option[Post.Byline] = None) final case class...
``` scala package myPackage import macrame.delegate object Foo { type AnySeq = Seq[_] def emptySeq: AnySeq = Nil } object Bar { @delegate val underlying: Foo.type = Foo } object...
``` scala package myPackage import macrame.delegate object Foo { object O } object Bar { @delegate val underlying: Foo.type = Foo } object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =...
99% of the time when I want to delegate methods to a wrapped class it is for generic classes, e.g. `case class WithDbMeta[A](id : Id[A], updateTime : DateTime, underlying :...
`autoFold` function that matches the correct functions to the correct cases. Given: ``` scala sealed trait Foo case class Bar(i : Int) extends Foo case class Baz(s : String) extends...
Use at Gawker has made it clear that people prefer to use traits rather than use `EnumApi` directly, e.g. ``` scala trait EnumAsString[Enum] { self: EnumApi[Enum] => def asString(e :...