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Fixing up `bluetooth.routes_temp` Spadina routes from Dundas to Bloor

Open radumas opened this issue 1 year ago • 9 comments

Has incorrect analysis_id for:

  • DT3_0019_Spadina-NB_College-to-Harbord is 1515251
  • DT3_0020_Spadina-SB_Harbord-to-College is 1515280

Harbord to Bloor are drawn in but the routes don't exist.

College to Dundas is neither drawn in, nor do the routes exist

radumas avatar Jan 08 '24 23:01 radumas

To update the analysis_id for Spadina to Harbord:

UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp
    analysis_id = 1515280,
    name = 'DT3_0020_Spadina-SB_Harbord-to-College'
WHERE name = 'Spadina-SB_Harbord-to-College';

UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp
    analysis_id = 1515251,
    name = 'DT3_0019_Spadina-NB_College-to-Harbord'
WHERE name = 'Spadina-NB_College-to-Harbord';

gabrielwol avatar Jan 16 '24 18:01 gabrielwol

To add the Spadina from College to Dundas routes:

  • not sure what to do about missing analysis_id
INSERT INTO bluetooth.routes_temp(
        analysis_id, name, start_street_name, start_cross_street, start_reader_id,
        end_street_name, end_cross_street, end_reader_id, date_active, date_inactive, geom,
        date_last_received, direction, length
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-SB_College-to-Dundas', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'College', --start_cross_street
    98, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'Dundas', --end_cross_street
    21, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St'), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Southbound', --direction
    st_length(gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St')::geography) --length
), (
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-NB_Dundas-to-College', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'Dundas', --start_cross_street
    21, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'College', --end_cross_street
    98, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St'), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Northbound', --direction
    st_length(gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St')::geography) --length

gabrielwol avatar Jan 16 '24 18:01 gabrielwol


Might be in here bluetooth.all_analyses

chmnata avatar Jan 16 '24 19:01 chmnata

Might be in here bluetooth.all_analyses

Whoops, should have mentioned I looked there. No luck.

gabrielwol avatar Jan 16 '24 19:01 gabrielwol

Similar to the Spadina/Harbord/College case above I identified 6 further routes where the current analysis_id did not match any row in all_analyses, but I identified other correct matches using levenshtein distance. Note that these all had the correct geom despite having the wrong analysis_id.

UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1514850, name = 'DT3_0001_Bathurst-NB_Harbord-to-Bloor' WHERE analysis_id = 1600010 AND name = 'Bathurst-NB_Harbord-to-Bloor';
UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1514879, name = 'DT3_0003_Bathurst-SB_Bloor-to-Harbord' WHERE analysis_id = 1600030 AND name = 'Bathurst-SB_Bloor-to-Harbord';
UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1514906, name = 'DT3_0005_Bloor-EB_Runnymede-to-Highpark' WHERE analysis_id = 1600070 AND name = 'Bloor-EB_Runnymede-to-HighPark';
UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1514986, name = 'DT3_0009_Bloor-WB_Highpark-to-Runnymede' WHERE analysis_id = 1600060 AND name = 'Bloor-WB_HighPark-to-Runnymede';
UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1515123, name = 'DT3_0015_Queenspark-NB_Wellesley-to-Bloor' WHERE analysis_id = 1600250 AND name = 'Queens-NB_Wellesley-to-Bloor';
UPDATE bluetooth.routes_temp SET analysis_id = 1515145, name = 'DT3_0016_Queenspark-SB_Bloor-to-Hoskin' WHERE analysis_id = 1600220 AND name = 'Queens-SB_Bloor-to-Hoskin';

There are 30 others (38 minus the 2+6 that we're correcting above) that also have no match. They all have analysis_id >= 1600000:

SELECT * FROM bluetooth.routes_temp WHERE analysis_id >= 1600000

gabrielwol avatar Jan 16 '24 21:01 gabrielwol

Here's a quick check I did on Gardiner/DVP segments. I see nothing out of the ordinary in their travel times over the years that would suggest a sensor was moved. They all have 85th percentile speeds around 80-100kph in all the years they were active, and all are active in 2024.

    date_part('year', datetime_bin),
    AVG(length/tt) * 3.6 AS avg_kph,
    percentile_disc(0.15) within group (order by length/tt) * 3.6 AS perc_15_kph,
    percentile_disc(0.85) within group (order by length/tt) * 3.6 AS perc_85_kph
FROM bluetooth.routes_temp
LEFT JOIN bluetooth.aggr_5min USING (analysis_id)
WHERE start_street_name IN ('Gardiner', 'DVP') AND tt > 0
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4

gabrielwol avatar Jan 16 '24 22:01 gabrielwol

@radumas can you check this for the Spadina routes? "\Vs-170-gra09\cotgra09\WES\tra\GM Office\Big Data Group\Data Sources\Bluetooth\Bliptrack\Bliptrack TT Routes 2024-01-18.xlsx"

gabrielwol avatar Jan 18 '24 16:01 gabrielwol

To add the Spadina from College to Dundas routes:

  • not sure what to do about missing analysis_id
INSERT INTO bluetooth.routes_temp(
        analysis_id, name, start_street_name, start_cross_street, start_reader_id,
        end_street_name, end_cross_street, end_reader_id, date_active, date_inactive, geom,
        date_last_received, direction, length
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-SB_College-to-Dundas', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'College', --start_cross_street
    98, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'Dundas', --end_cross_street
    21, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St'), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Southbound', --direction
    st_length(gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St')::geography) --length
), (
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-NB_Dundas-to-College', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'Dundas', --start_cross_street
    21, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'College', --end_cross_street
    98, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St'), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Northbound', --direction
    st_length(gis.text_to_centreline_geom('Spadina Ave', 'College St', 'Dundas St')::geography) --length

Ran the query with new centreline routing function using latest centreline table + directional geom. I think we can keep the analysis_id as null for meow, will change in bliptrack in a bit

INSERT INTO bluetooth.routes_temp(
        analysis_id, name, start_street_name, start_cross_street, start_reader_id,
        end_street_name, end_cross_street, end_reader_id, date_active, date_inactive, geom,
        date_last_received, direction, length
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-SB_College-to-Dundas', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'College', --start_cross_street
    98, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'Dundas', --end_cross_street
    21, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    (select geom from gis_core.get_centreline_btwn_intersections(13465489, 13466288)), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Southbound', --direction
    (select round(ST_length(ST_Transform(geom, 2952)))
 	from gis_core.get_centreline_btwn_intersections(13465489, 13466288)) --length
), (
    null, --analysis_id
    'Spadina-NB_Dundas-to-College', --name
    'Spadina', --start_street_name
    'Dundas', --start_cross_street
    21, --start_reader_id,
    'Spadina', --end_street_name
    'College', --end_cross_street
    98, --end_reader_id
    null::date, --date_active
    null::date, --date_inactive
    (select geom from gis_core.get_centreline_btwn_intersections(13466288, 13465489)), --geom,
    null::date, --date_last_received
    'Northbound', --direction
    (select round(ST_length(ST_Transform(geom, 2952)))
 	from gis_core.get_centreline_btwn_intersections(13466288, 13465489)) --length

chmnata avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 chmnata

Thanks @gabrielwol !!! Updated the following in bluetooth.route_temp)

analysis_id = 1515280, name = 'DT3_0020_Spadina-SB_Harbord-to-College'	
analysis_id = 1515251, name = 'DT3_0019_Spadina-NB_College-to-Harbord'	
analysis_id = 1514850, name = 'DT3_0001_Bathurst-NB_Harbord-to-Bloor'
analysis_id = 1514879, name = 'DT3_0003_Bathurst-SB_Bloor-to-Harbord' 
analysis_id = 1514906, name = 'DT3_0005_Bloor-EB_Runnymede-to-Highpark'
analysis_id = 1514986, name = 'DT3_0009_Bloor-WB_Highpark-to-Runnymede'
analysis_id = 1515123, name = 'DT3_0015_Queenspark-NB_Wellesley-to-Bloor'
analysis_id = 1515145, name = 'DT3_0016_Queenspark-SB_Bloor-to-Hoskin'

Inserted these two without analysis_id


Now we have these 30 routes with incorrect analysis_id that doesn't exist in bluetooth.all_analyses

1600330	"Wellesley-EB_Jarvis-to-Parliament"
1600000	"Bathurst-NB_College-to-Harbord"
1600190	"Ossington-NB_College-to-Bloor"
1600210	"Ossington-SB_Bloor-to-College"
1600150	"Harbord-EB_Bathurst-to-Spadina"
1600170	"Harbord-EB_Spadina-to-Queens"
1600260	"Roncesvalles-NB_Dundas-to-Bloor"
1600180	"Ossington-NB_Dundas-to-College"
1600230	"Queens-NB_College-to-Wellesley"
1600160	"Harbord-WB_Spadina-to-Bathurst"
1600240	"Queens-SB_Hoskin-to-College"
1600120	"Dufferin-NB_Dundas-to-College"
1600350	"Wellesley-WB_Yonge-to-Queens"
1600370	"Wellesley-EB_Queens-to-Yonge"
1600080	"College-WB_Ossington-to-Dufferin"
1600340	"Wellesley-WB_Parliament-to-Jarvis"
1600090	"College-EB_Dufferin-to-Ossington"
1600320	"Wellesley-WB_Jarvis-to-Yonge"
1600360	"Wellesley-EB_Yonge-to-Jarvis"
1600100	"Dufferin-SB_College-to-Dundas"
1600130	"Dufferin-SB_Bloor-to-College"
1600110	"Dufferin-NB_College-to-Bloor"
1600050	"Bloor-EB_HighPark-to-Dundas"
1600140	"Harbord-WB_Queens-to-Spadina"
1600200	"Ossington-SB_College-to-Dundas"
1600020	"Bathurst-SB_Harbord-to-College"
1600310	"Spadina-NB_Harbord-to-Bloor"
1600280	"Spadina-SB_Bloor-to-Harbord"
1600040	"Bloor-WB_Dundas-to-HighPark"
1600270	"Roncesvalles-SB_Bloor-to-Dundas"

chmnata avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 chmnata