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NPCs for Bukkit
For me, denizens are acting very strange. I used the stock Steve quest which says Hello , take this shovel! And Steve gives you a shovel. But for some reason...
No errors in console but no one is able to left click to cycle between a questers available quests after we updated bukkit and citizens. Any thoughts?
what do i do the npc dont talk or lookat i even tryed talkclose. also when you reload they disappear! PLEASE HELP!!!
When I updated both plugins, i conomy works and works with other plugins but the trader npcs wont recognize the iconomy plugin is there... PLEASE HELP!!!
Please help me and tell me why my quest wont load # NPC Quest Koops donator initiated by NPC James (5) "Koops donator": texts: description: "[&6James&f] I need your help...
Hi Im using latest 1.2 version for 125 R4 and even it is working (im using guards), every time when server bootup I see wall of errors about loading guard.jar...
I used this all during 1.2.5 flawlessly. I updated to 1.3.1 and transferred my npc-profiles so I dont loose all my NPCs. I did this and my NPCs did not...
Hey great plugin. But endermen dont look at you or close talk when you tell them too.
It says please report this error: [See Console] java.lang.NoSuchError: net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.setGamemode(I)V
Loading citizens 1.2 on the 1.3.1 Bukkit dev builds generates this error when attempting to load an npc. The plugin loads when no npc files are present. I realize that...