genieparser copied to clipboard
[IOS-XR] Parser Output is empty - Failed to parse command output for "show install active summary"
Hey, thanks for looking into this!
Issue: When trying to feed in the full output of "show install active summary" from an 8000 Series Router IOS XR device into parse genie I get "Parser Output is empty - Failed to parse command output".
In troubleshooting the output is being passed in and displays fine on console, the genie just can't parse it. It's worth noting that the command isn't set up with exact columns and some of the column titles are identical repeats, so building my own tabular parser also isn't effective.
To Reproduce I used the following in my playbook:
#----------------------------------Show Install Active Summary------------------------------------------
- name: Read in parse_genie role
name: clay584.parse_genie
# Capturing information from Router - XR_VM
- name: Executing 'show install active summary'
command: show install active summary
register: cli_output
- name: Getting status
msg: "{{ cli_output }}"
no_log: False
# Added the part after os=iosxr to allow parser genie to read my template
- name: Parsing "show install active summary" output
xr_vm_active_summary_parsed_output: "{{ cli_output.stdout | parse_genie(command='show install active summary', os='iosxr' ) }}"
no_log: False
This is part of a large ongoing project so I attached the entire playbook zipped which can be run with the following command: ansible-playbook -i hostinvent EA2-Main-Playbook.yml --vault-password-file vault_password.yml
To navigate to the playbook that reproduces the issue go to roles > Software_Info_Capture > tasks > show_install_active_summary.yml
I also attached just the output of that command as a text file.
The devices in the hostinvent file are the lab devices in autopod : If you check them out and can SSH to at least one of them (, nothing else is needed to reproduce.
Feel free to ping me at amhunt for any questions.
Mult-Stage XR OS Upgrade & [show_install_active_summary.txt ](url)
Hi amhunt,
I am working on it.Kindly give me some time
Thank you!
Thank you so much for looking at it!
Hi , why are there duplicate sections in your output? Please verify your output and let me know.
Sorry about that! I replaced the file with the correct output.
I checked with ansible debug to see what I was sending the genie in case that was the problem but unfortunately I am sending the one I just uploaded (meaning... I am not sending the genie corrupt input).
show install active summary_output.txt
When we add support for the command 'show install active summary' it will print output like below. If you are okay with it, I will raise a PR.
Hi, I have raised a draft PR.
Once it is merged, I will let you know.
Thank you.
I have merged the PR just now. The fix will be available in version 24.4 and the build is available after 24 hrs, the fix will be accessible in the pre-flag. Hence I am closing the ticket
pyats version update --pre
Thank you!