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clamav-safebrowsing (clamsb) is a project that acquires the Google Safebrowsing Lists through the Google Safebrowsing V4 API ( and packages the data into a ClamAV GDB (Google Database) signature file, supporting Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.

clamsb handles full and update syncing with the Safebrowsing API, reducing the expense of retrieving list updates after the first retrieval. Additionally, clamsb provides methods to validate the existing database (provided that the lists are up-to-date), dump/load a pickled copy of the Safebrowsing API update object, and purge all existing records.

clamsb is comprised of two entrypoint applications to manage the safebrowsing lists within the database and generate GDB signature files and various modules for interacting with the database and Safebrowsing API.


clamsb requires:

  • A lot of RAM. We recommend a system with at least 12GB of RAM.

  • A few third-party libraries that are listed in the requirements.txt file; these libraries can also be installed through

  • A Google API key with access to the Safebrowsing V4 API. Instructions for acquiring an API key can be found at

  • A MySQL database to manage Safebrowsing Lists and build logs. The database will need a user with credentials to create, modify, and delete tables on the database. It is recommended you generate a specialized database and user for access. Once the database parameters are specified to the clamsb configuration, required tables will automatically be generated on the first sync.


clamsb can be installed from this directory using the script but can also be run directly from this directory. and are exposed as entrypoint applications if installed.

Install and set up MySQL

The following will help you get started with setting up MySQL for clamsb. Note that these instructions are for Ubuntu 20.04 and you may need to do something slightly different for your system.

First, install MySQL if not already present:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev

Then enter the MySQL monitor to add a user, a database, and set permissions:

sudo mysql

The following will create your SQL user account, create the required database, and grant the required permissions.

Important: Select your own password to replace "PASSWORDHERE".


You can find additional help with creating users and granting permissions in DigitalOcean's community tutorials.

Obtain a Google Safebrowsing API key

Login to the Google Cloud Console with a Google account that you're able to use for this purpose.

On the top right, click "Create Project". Choose a memorable name for use with the Google Safebrowsing API.

Then, on the project page for your new project:

  1. Click "Create Credentials" and select "API key".
  2. Save this key somewhere safe. You will also need to place it in the clamsb config file, later.

After your key is created, you should also restrict where the key can be used. In the "Actions" column, select "Edit key".

  1. Rename it to something memorable.
  2. Select "Restrict key" and then select "Safe Browsing API"
  3. Click "Save".

Install the clamav-safebrowsing Python package

To install, run:

# Use git to get the clamav-safebrowsing code, or else download a zip or tarball and extract it.
git clone

cd clamav-safebrowsing

# Activate a virtual environment so your Python packages aren't installed globally
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install clamav-safebrowsing and its dependencies in the virtual environment.
python3 -m pip install . 

Tip: Pip may fail to install if you did not already install the the MySQL server and client packages.

Important: Later, when you use clamsbsync, you may need to re-activate the virtual environment if running from a different terminal. You can also choose to skip the venv stuff, and use sudo to install the Python packages globally, like this:

sudo python3 -m pip install .

But know that version requirement conflicts can occur between different applications, and that installing Python packages globally with pip may also conflict with Python packages installed by an OS package manager.

Create a clamsb config file

With your favorite text editor, create a new config file. The default config path is /etc/clamav/safebrowsing.conf, but you can put it somewhere else and pass the --config option when running

sudo vim /etc/clamav/safebrowsing.conf

Fill in the following config details with the Safe Browsing API key created earlier, and with the MySQL username and password selected earlier:

    # Google's apikey for the safebrowsing datafeed
    apikey = APIKEYHERE

    ## MySQL database parameters
    db_host = localhost
    db_user = sbclient
    db_pw = PASSWORDHERE
    db_name = sbclient

    ## outputdir is where the update Python makes its safebrowsing.gdb
    outputdir = /tmp/

In the config above, the outputdir is set to /tmp, for simplicity. You may wish to choose a better location. Just make sure the directory exists and that the user that runs clamsb can create files there.

Usage is the primary entrypoint application handling all database management and safebrowsing api access operations.

To download the get safebrowsing content and generate a new safebrowsing.gdb database, simply run:

# Activate the virtual environment again, if in a new terminal
source venv/bin/activate

# Build safebrowsing.gdb
sudo ./venv/bin/python ./ build

Note: sudo is most likely required for clamsbsync to open the socket to communicate with mysqld. If you run everything as root, then you don't need to worry about using venv and can simply run: build

The sync and build process can take quite a while and will use a LOT of RAM. Please be patient.

When complete, safebrowsing.gdb will be written to the output directory. There is no need to manually run clamsbwrite.

Known Issues: If you encounter any issues, please see Some known issues include the following...

  1. You may see the following message:

    UpdateClient: WARNING: prefix set does not fully match retrieved list: expected 500 =/= retrieved 499

    It is safe to ignore this. For details, see

  2. After some sucecssful builds, you may encounter a failure due to a duplicate entry. The error will be something like this:

    MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '000002ca-2' for key 'sbclient_v4_prefixes.PRIMARY'")

    There no fix at this time. The best option is to run purge and then build again. For details, see

Additional Features supports the following commands:

  • build/b(*)

    • Performs a sync with the safebrowsing API and then invokes to output a safebrowsing.gdb to the output directory.
  • sync/s

    • Perform a sync (no output generated).
  • validate/v

    • Determine if the current lists stored in the database are up-to-date and valid (does not perform syncing).
  • dump/d

    • Dump the updates object retrieved from the safebrowsing API to a pickled file (updates.p).
  • load/l

    • Load an updates object from a pickled file (updates.p).
  • purge

    • Drop all database hashes and prefixes (does not include build summaries).

By default, runs the build command if no command is specified. is a secondary application that reads from the database and generates a ClamAV GDB signature file. It does not perform any Safebrowsing API calls and only records build summaries in the database. If ran without performing a sync, it will generate an empty file.

Both and require a configuration file written in the Apache Configuration Format that detail the connection specifications for accessing the MySQL database and Google Safebrowsing API. An example configuration file can be found in ./etc/safebrowsing.conf.sample.

Both and have the following options:

  • -C, --config

    • Used to override the default config path (/etc/clamav/safebrowsing.conf).
  • -d, --debug

    • Set the logger logging levels to logging.DEBUG.
  • -v, --verbose

    • Set the logger logging levels to logging.INFO.
  • --logfile

    • Used to specify a logfile to use with the Python logging module.
  • -h, --help

    • Print out a help message.

License & Copyright

Copyright (C) 2021 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.