make sure ChoETL / ChoETL.JSON (ChoETL.NetStandard / ChoETL.JSON.NetStandard) libraries sync with same versions.
Complex json to parquet does not write all column data if json array of objects has different length
As JSON has mixed set of children on each node, you will need to tell the ParquetWriter to scan max number of nodes to find all possible fields to be...
As your json is nested in nature, you need to unpack and flatten into multiple rows using linq. Sample fiddle:
Add attribute to handle your req. Use `FlattenByNodeName` to control the flatten node. Hope it helps. Lib version: ChoETL.JSON.Core v1.2.1.45-beta1 Sample fiddle:
I’m on vacation, will not be get back to you on time. Will update once back from it.
It is a bug, putting a fix. Will let you know.
Applied fix, released ChoETL.JSON.Core v1.2.1.45-beta2.
found the issue, applied fix. released v1.2.1.48 (beta1) Sample fiddle:
Yes, it is by design. Doesn't add CRLF at the end of the file. Will add this next release.
put a fix, to add newline at the end of file with the release [v1.2.1.43-beta11]( It can be controlled via `Configuration.AddEOLDelimiterAtEOF` configuration option.