Jimmy E
Jimmy E
Hi ! For example we can call `https://api.host.com/v1/` with the body ```graph { userList (someoptions) { edges { node { name login }} } } ``` The url is always...
@stof, they are some reporters available. Can you show me an exemple of result for github actions ? The `ecma` report is not good ?
Hi, I think it's a bug ^^
Yes, like #58. It would be cool to check indentation
Yes, I will see that. Thanks for your feedback !
Yes, but this is not a real function which is forbidden.
I followed this commit https://github.com/KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors/pull/688/files
I posted an issue on doctrine. Can you check this ?
Hi, You need to use `loop` instead https://twig.symfony.com/doc/2.x/tags/for.html Like this : ```twig {% for part in content %} {% if not loop.first %} {% endif %} {{ part|raw }} {%...
Hi ! I have more informations : I have this line : `$this->entity->translate($locale)->$fieldName ?? '';` and `$entity` is declared with two interfaces : `protected TranslatableInterface&ExposeTranslatableFieldsInterface $entity,`. So when `StaticTranslationTypeHelper::getTranslationClass` is...