IQ-TREE copied to clipboard
All sequences failed composition
Hi, I encountered the following error when running iqtree, all samples show failed, I am not sure the reason, can you help this?
IQ-TREE multicore version COVID-edition for Linux 64-bit built Aug 2 2022 Developed by Bui Quang Minh, James Barbetti, Nguyen Lam Tung, Olga Chernomor, Heiko Schmidt, Dominik Schrempf, Michael Woodhams, Ly Trong Nhan.
Host: loaclhost (AVX2, FMA3, 724 GB RAM) Command: iqtree -s Align.fasta -T 32 -m TESTONLY Seed: 635346 (Using SPRNG - Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator) Time: Thu Feb 23 08:59:20 2023 Kernel: AVX+FMA - 32 threads (128 CPU cores detected)
Reading alignment file Align.fasta ... Fasta format detected Reading fasta file: done in 0.553305 secs using 91.02% CPU Alignment most likely contains protein sequences Constructing alignment: done in 0.778656 secs using 695.4% CPU Alignment has 108 sequences with 170723 columns, 123242 distinct patterns 107678 parsimony-informative, 15691 singleton sites, 47354 constant sites Gap/Ambiguity Composition p-value Analyzing sequences: done in 0.057044 secs using 3160% CPU 1 4_22 41.24% failed 0.00% 2 5_9 41.24% failed 0.00% 3 ERR3686573 41.24% failed 0.00% 4 2 39.58% failed 0.00% 5 2-1 39.58% failed 0.00% 6 2-10 39.58% failed 0.00% 7 2-14 39.58% failed 0.00% 8 2-22 39.58% failed 0.00% 9 2-23 39.58% failed 0.00% 10 2-3 39.58% failed 0.00% 11 2-4 39.58% failed 0.00% 12 2-6 39.58% failed 0.00% 13 2-7 39.58% failed 0.00% **** TOTAL 39.63% 108 sequences failed composition chi2 test (p-value<5%; df=19)
Thank you!