He Cao

Results 13 issues of He Cao

Hi, I'm new to `Blender`. Can you provide some scripts on rendering the corresponding depth image?

when I use `blender-3.2.2-linux-x64` on ubuntu server and try to use `Cycle` to render, I met this error ``` Failed to load CUDA kernel from '/comp_robot/caohe/code/3d/objaverse-rendering/blender-3.2.2-linux-x64/3.2/scripts/addons/cycles/lib/kernel_compute_75.ptx' (Unsupported PTX version) ```...

I tried to use vicuna-7b-v1.3 (the latest released vicuna version). The training process is OK without any error, but when inference using `demo.sh` I countered the error when call the...