Jari Pennanen

Results 111 comments of Jari Pennanen

It's notable that in F# the functions are usually defined in curried form, which also requires support in the HotChocolate to work well. Like `input -> AppDbContext -> PersonPayload` I...

Maybe also package the CLI as downloadable release? I don't want to use PRQL as language binding but from CLI only. E.g. I have "supercomplex.prql" file and want to compile...

If you want to link WASM project against more advanced C libraries this is required. WASI provides working LIBC for WASM. I haven't yet figured out how to build Rust...

@ovidiu141 this is just the way webview is implemented in the operating system. I'm using webview2 (Windows) directly from Rust: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64731/119352699-ad20c400-bcaa-11eb-9ae8-d5a9759e8602.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64731/119353194-42bc5380-bcab-11eb-9afa-ceb9a16790ee.png) There is sandbox etc. in front, you need...

I have some crazy idea: Have all numbers e.g. 1-300 overlayed top of each other, and post-processing style remove the unneeded ones from the PDF document by looking at the...

Problem is this: Pupeteer team is not themselves trying to solve these problems. This means that when you open a issue there, they can't understand what hurdles you have hit...

Btw, if you are using Windows Insider, the virtual desktop stuff might get broken. The key to fix is to look for the GUID from registry, fix for this is...

There was also minor changes involved, see my DLL changeset to adapt to yours C# implementation: https://github.com/Ciantic/VirtualDesktopAccessor/commit/4fc1d8e5c74e1a422f5b7fc58cc6674f13718f3e

Actually they are most handily documented here: https://github.com/mzomparelli/zVirtualDesktop/wiki

I'll put also this here: [Windows with C++ : High-Performance Window Layering Using the Windows Composition Engine](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2014/june/windows-with-c-high-performance-window-layering-using-the-windows-composition-engine), that's what I followed doing it in the Druid