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系统环境 : Windows10家庭版 Dism++版本:Dism++x64 10.1.1002.1 现象: Windows11家庭版 , Windows11专业版 , Windows11企业版 , Windows11教育版 , Windows11专业工作站版 , Windows11专业教育版 , Windows11家庭单语言版 , Windows11家庭中文版 的微软官方esd镜像分别被误识别为_Windows10家庭版_ , Windows10专业版 , Windows10企业版 , Windows10教育版 , Windows10专业工作站版 , Windows10专业教育版 , Windows10家庭单语言版 , Windows10家庭中文版。
Системна среда: Windows10 Home Edition Dism + + версия: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Феномен:_ Домашно издание на Windows 11_ Прозоре11 професионално издание_ Windows11 Enterprise Edition)_ Прозоре11 Образователно издание_ Прозоре11 професионална работна станция Издание_ _ Прозоре11 Professional Education Edition_ Windows 11 домашно издание на единичен език_ Прозоре11 домашно китайско издание_ Официалните ESD изображения на Microsoft бяха погрешно идентифицирани като_ Домашно издание на Windows 10_ Прозоре10 професионално издание_ Windows10 Enterprise Edition)_ Прозоре10 образование __ Прозоре10 професионална работна станция Edition_ _ Прозоре10 Professional Education Edition_ Windows 10 домашно издание на единичен език_ Прозоре10 домашна китайска версия
Systémové prostředí: windows10 Home Edition Dism +verze: dism +x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenomén:_ Windows 11 home edition_ Okenní11 profesionální edice_ Windows11 Enterprise Edition)_ Windows11 Education Edition_ Windows11 profesionální pracovní stanice Edition Windows11 Professional Education Edition_ Windows 11 Domů Jednojazyková edice Windows11 domů Čínská edice Oficiální ESD obrázky Microsoftu byly omylem identifikovány jako_ Windows 10 domácí edice Okenní10 profesionální edice Windows10 Enterprise Edition)_ Okenní10 vzdělávání __ Windows10 profesionální pracovní stanice Edition Windows10 Professional Education Edition Windows 10 domů jednorázová edice_ Windows10 domů Čínská verze
Entorno del sistema: Windows 10 Home Edition Versión dism + +: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenómeno: Windows 11 Home Edition, Windows 11 pro, Windows 11 Enterprise Edition, Windows 11 Education Edition, Windows 11 Professional Workstation Edition, Windows 11 Professional Education Edition, Windows 11 Home monolingüe Edition, Windows 11 Home CHINESE EDITION Las imágenes oficiales de la ESD de Microsoft se identifican erróneamente como Windows 10 Home Edition, Windows 10 pro, Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, Windows 10 Education Edition, Windows 10 Professional Workstation Edition, _ Windows 10 Professional Education Edition, Windows 10 Home monolingüe Edition, Windows 10 Home Chinese Edition.
Systemumgebung: windows10 Home Edition Dism +-version: dism +-x64 10.1.1002.1 Phänomen:_ Windows 11 home edition_ Fenster11 professionelle Ausgabe_ Windows11 Enterprise Edition)_ Windows11 Education Edition_ Windows11 Professional Workstation Edition_ _ Windows11 Professional Education Edition_ Windows 11 Home Single Language Edition_ Windows11 home Chinese Edition_ Microsoft's offizielle ESD Images wurden fälschlicherweise als_ Windows 10 home edition_ Windows10 professional edition_ Windows10 Enterprise Edition)_ Fenster10 Bildung __ Windows10 Professional Workstation Edition__ Windows10 Professional Education Edition_ Windows 10 Home Single Language Edition_ Windows10 home Chinesische Version.
system environment : Windows10Home Dism++ version:Dism++x64 10.1.1002.1 phenomenon:The Microsoft's official ESD images of Windows 11 Home , Windows 11 Pro , Windows 11 Enterprise , Windows 11 Education , Windows 11 Pro for Workstations , Windows 11 Education Pro , Windows 11 Home Single Language , Windows 11 Home china were mistakenly identified as Windows 10 Home , Windows 10 Pro , Windows 10 Enterprise , Windows 10 Education , Windows 10 Workstation Pro , Windows 10 Education Pro , Windows 10 Home Single Language , Windows 10 Home china.
Entorno del sistema: Windows 10 Home Edition Versión dism + +: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenómeno: Windows 11 Home Edition, Windows 11 pro, Windows 11 Enterprise Edition, Windows 11 Education Edition, Windows 11 Professional Workstation Edition, Windows 11 Professional Education Edition, Windows 11 Home monolingüe Edition, Windows 11 Home CHINESE EDITION Las imágenes oficiales de la ESD de Microsoft se identifican erróneamente como Windows 10 Home Edition, Windows 10 pro, Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, Windows 10 Education Edition, Windows 10 Professional Workstation Edition, Windows 10 Professional Education Edition, Windows 10 Home monolingüe Edition, Windows 10 Home Chinese Edition
Environnement système: Windows 10 Home Version dism + + dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Phénomène: Windows 11 Home Edition, Windows 11 professional edition, Windows 11 Enterprise Edition, Windows 11 Education Edition, Windows 11 Professional Workstation Edition, Windows 11 Professional Education Edition, Windows 11 Home Single Language Edition, Windows 11 Home Chinese Edition Microsoft Official ESD mirrors were misrecognized as Windows 10 Home Edition, Windows 10 professional edition, Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, Windows 10 Education Edition, Windows 10 Professional Workstation Edition, Windows 10 Professional Education Edition, Windows 10 Home Single Language Edition, Windows 10 Home Chinese Edition.
Rendszerkörnyezet: windows10 Home Edition Dism + + verzió: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenomenon: windows11 home edition, windows11 professzionális kiadás, windows11 Enterprise Edition, windows11 Education Edition, windows11 professzionális munkaállomás kiadásA windows 11 professzionális oktatási kiadás, a windows 11 otthoni egynyelvű kiadás és a windows 11 otthoni kínai kiadás tévesen azonosította a windows 10 otthoni kiadás, a windows 10 professzionális kiadás, a windows 10 enterprise kiadás, a windows 10 Education Edition és a windows 10 professzionális munkaállomás kiadás.Windows10 Professional Education Edition, ablak10 otthoni egynyelvű kiadás, ablak10 otthoni kínai kiadás.
Ambiente di sistema: windows10 Home Edition Dism + + versione: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenomene: windows11 home edition, windows11 professional edition, windows11 Enterprise Edition, windows11 Education Edition, windows11 professional workstation Edition windows 11 edizione di formazione professionale, windows 11 edizione monolingue home e windows 11 edizione home cinese sono stati erroneamente identificati come windows 10 edizione home, windows 10 edizione professionale, windows 10 edizione enterprise, windows 10 edizione Education e windows 10 edizione workstation professionale rispettivamenteWindows10 Professional Education Edition, windows10 home single language edition, windows10 home Chinese edition.
システム環境:Windows 10ファミリー版 Dism++バージョン:Dism++x 64 10.1.1002.1 現象:Windows 11ファミリー版、Windows 11プロフェッショナル版、Windows 11エンタープライズ版、Windows 11教育版、Windows 11プロフェッショナルワークステーション版,Windows 11専門教育版,Windows 11家庭単言語版,Windows 11家庭中国語版のマイクロソフト公式esdミラーはそれぞれWindows 10家庭版,Windows 10専門版,Windows 10エンタープライズ版,Windows 10教育版,Windows 10専門ワークステーション版と誤認されている、Windows 10専門教育版、Windows 10家庭単言語版、Windows 10家庭中国語版。
시스템 환경: Windows10 Home Edition Dism++ 버전: Dism+x64 10.1.1002.1 현상: 윈도 11 홈 버전, 윈도 11 전문 버전, 윈도 11 기업 버전, 윈도 11 교육 버전, 윈도 11 전문 워크스테이션 버전, 윈도 11 전문 교육 버전, 윈도 11 홈 단일 언어 버전, 윈도 11 홈 중국어 버전의 마이크로소프트 공식 esd 거울은 각각 윈도 10 홈 버전, 윈도 10 전문 버전, 윈도 10 기업 버전, 윈도 10 교육 버전, 윈도 10 전문 워크스테이션 버전으로 오인되었다., 윈도 10 전문 교육 버전, 윈도 10 홈 단일 언어 버전, 윈도 10 홈 중국어 버전.
Środowisko systemowe: windows10 Home Edition Dism +-wersja: dism +-x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenomenon: windows11 home edition, windows11 professional edition, windows11 Enterprise Edition, windows11 Education Edition, windows11 profesjonalna stacja robocza windows 11 edukacja profesjonalna, windows 11 edukacja jednojęzyczna i windows 11 edycja chińska zostały błędnie zidentyfikowane jako windows 10 edukacja domowa, windows 10 edukacja profesjonalna, windows 10 edukacja przedsiębiorstwa, windows 10 edukacja edukacyjna i windows 10 edukacja profesjonalna stacja robocza windows10 Professional Education Edition, windows10 home single language edition, windows10 home chińska edycja.
Ambiente do sistema: windows10 Home Edition Dism + + versão: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Fenómeno: as imagens oficiais ESD da Microsoft da edição home do windows11, edição profissional do windows11, edição Enterprise do windows11, edição Educativa do windows11, edição profissional do windows11, edição monolíngue home do windows11 e edição chinesa do windows11 foram erroneamente identificadas como edição home do windows10, edição profissional do windows10, edição Enterprise do windows10, edição educacional do windows10 e edição profissional do windows10, respectivamente, Windows10 Professional Education Edition, windows10 edição de idioma único em casa, windows10 edição chinesa em casa.
русский язык:
системная среда: Windows10 Dism + + version: Dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 явление: Windows11 Family Edition, Windows11 Special, Windows11 Enterprise, Windows11 Edition of Education, Windows11 Special Workers, Windows11 Special Edition, Windows11 Family Online, Microsoft Official esd Model Windows11 на китайском языке, Windows10 Special Edition, Windows10 Business Edition, Windows10 Edition of Education, Windows10 Profession Windows10, Windows10 Special Education, Windows10 Family Online, Windows10 на китайском языке.
Sistem ortamı: penceres10 Home Edition Dism + + versiyon: dism + + x64 10.1.1002.1 Phenomenon: Microsoft resmi ESD görüntülerinin pencerelers11 ev edityonu, pencerelers11 profesyonel edityonu, pencerelers11 Enterprise Edition, pencerelers11 Eğitim Ediciyonu, pencerelers11 profesyonel çalışma edityonu, pencerelers11 evde eğitim Ediciyonu Ediciyonu, pencerelers11 evde tek dil edityonu ve pencerelers11 evde Çin edityonu yanlış olarak pencerelers10 home edition, windows10 profesyonel edityonu, windows10 Enterprise Edition, windows10 Eğitim Ediciyonu ve pencerelers10 profesyonel çalışma edityonu olarak tanımlanmıştı Pencere 10 Profesyonel Eğitim Düzeni, pencereler 10 evde tek dil düzeni, pencereler 10 evde Çin düzeni.
系統環境 : Windows10家庭版
Dism++版本:Dism++x64 10.1.1002.1
現象:_ Windows11家庭版_ , _ Windows11專業版_ , _ Windows11企業版_ , _ Windows11教育版_ , _ Windows11專業工作站版_ , _ Windows11專業教育版_ , _ Windows11家庭單語言版_,_ Windows11家庭中文版_ 的微軟官方esd鏡像分別被誤識別為_ Windows10家庭版_ , _ Windows10專業版_ , _ Windows10企業版_ , _ Windows10教育版_ , _ Windows10專業工作站版_ , _ Windows10專業教育版_ , _ Windows10家庭單語言版_ , _ Windows10家庭中文版_。
ORZ,服了,楼主按理应该把截屏也弄成17种语言不是? ORZ, наистина впечатлен от вас, плакатите трябва разумно да направят скрийншоти с 17 езици, както и, нали? ORZ, opravdu ohromen s vámi, plakáty by měly rozumně udělat screenshoty s 17 jazyky stejně, ne? ORZ, jeg er virkelig imponeret over dig, men plakaterne burde også lave screenshots på 17 sprog, ikke sandt? ORZ, echt onder de indruk van je, de posters moeten redelijkerwijs de screenshots ook met 17 talen maken, toch? ORZ, tõesti muljet sinust, plakatid peaksid mõistlikult tegema ekraanipilte ka 17 keelega, eks? ORZ, vraiment impressionné par toi, les posters devraient raisonnablement faire les captures d'écran avec 17 langues aussi, non ? ORZ, wirklich beeindruckt von dir, die Poster sollten vernünftigerweise auch die Screenshots mit 17 Sprachen machen, oder? ORZ, πραγματικά εντυπωσιάστηκα μαζί σας, οι αφίσες θα πρέπει λογικά να κάνουν τα στιγμιότυπα οθόνης με 17 γλώσσες επίσης, σωστά; ORZ, davvero impressionato da te, i poster dovrebbero ragionevolmente fare gli screenshot anche con 17 lingue, giusto? ORZさん、本当に感動しました!投稿者は合理的に17ヶ国語のスクリーンショットも作るべきですよね? ORZ, realmente impressionado consigo, os cartazes devem razoavelmente fazer as imagens com 17 línguas também, certo? ORZ, действительно впечатлен вами, постеры должны разумно сделать скриншоты с 17 языками, не так ли? ORZ, realmente impresionado con usted, los carteles deben razonablemente hacer las capturas de pantalla con 17 idiomas también, ¿verdad? ORZ, jag är verkligen imponerad av dig, men det är väl rimligt att postarna gör skärmdumparna på 17 språk också, eller hur? ORZ ، أعجبت حقا بك ، يجب أن تجعل الملصقات لقطات شاشة بشكل معقول بلغات 17 أيضا ، أليس كذلك؟ ORZ, באמת התרשמתי ממך, הפוסטרים צריכים באופן סביר לעשות את צילומי המסך עם 17 שפות גם כן, נכון?