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Need script to create releases

Open crossan007 opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

Too many manual steps currently to create release

  • Verify no remaining items open on milestone
  • Identify accepted commit for tag
  • Download zip package from demo site with correct commit hash
  • Create GitHub Tag / Release
  • Upload zip archive to GitHub Release
  • Add release notes
  • Calculate SHA1 hash of zip archive. Include in Release Notes footer
  • Publish release
  • Close Milestone
  • Create new milestone with due date of the next calendar Monday
  • Create new build/ branch
  • Update Package.json version number
  • Run grunt updateVersions
  • run npm run gen-changelogs
  • commit changes to new build branch
  • create PR for new build branch to master
  • Flow updates from master -> develop

Many of these steps can be automated, and make the release process less cumbersome


  • We have a way to interact with the GitHub API. Some custom code may need to be developed for creating releases.
  • We have an ephemeral storage location for developer GitHub Personal Access Tokens (BuildConfig.json. This will never be committed to the repo, but may be used to facilitate the release creation process.
  • We have a way to identify the commit hash at build time.
  • Builds already occur in Jenkins. The script should leverage the sanitized build environment's result archive - not build locally for risk of including un-releasable files

Barriers / Questions:

  • Should this script publish the release, or just save it as a draft for the devs to manually "publish"

crossan007 avatar Aug 01 '17 01:08 crossan007

@DawoudIO do you have feedback on this?

I'm thinking I'll create an NPM script to handle as many steps as possible.

crossan007 avatar Aug 01 '17 01:08 crossan007

Looks great

DawoudIO avatar Aug 01 '17 03:08 DawoudIO

this is started with new actions to automate as much as we can.

DawoudIO avatar Oct 13 '20 19:10 DawoudIO

.github/workflows/build-test-package.yml now helps with some of this, but the rest needs manual stuff still

DawoudIO avatar Nov 01 '23 17:11 DawoudIO

@DawoudIO: How much of this is still an issue?

respencer avatar May 17 '24 20:05 respencer

I did a release on my iPad yesterday and we have a next version script

DawoudIO avatar May 20 '24 02:05 DawoudIO