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PyTorch Implementation of Deformable Convolution

Results 8 deform_conv_pytorch issues
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Can it reach the paper benchmark?

hi, will you update the code to Visualize offsets?

Thanks for sharing the repo. I thought of the deform layer use as plug and play (right?) Replacing one of the `nn.Conv2d()` layers with `DeformConv2D()` produced this error: ``` result...

I wonder what is the reason of permuting the index of tensor p?

You did: N = offset.size(1) // 2, In that level the offset.size(1) is equal to 128 , and N suppuse to be the kernel size *2, means N=|R| And I...

Thanks for your sharing. I don't know why I change the input size like 56x56, It is can meet this question. I print the index.shape is torch.Size([8, 32, 28224]). Please...

thanks for your sharing, can you explain the meaning of q_lt, g_lt and x_q_lt ? thanks~

The `padding` in `DeformConv2D` doesn't work, because the shape of `x_offset` in function `_reshape_x_offset` is always `h*ks, w*ks`.