Datatable copied to clipboard
Problem with language settings
First of all thanks! for your plugin It is incredibly useful!
I am having problems with language settings.
I published the configuration and replaced the content of the config file with the one posted in the last comment of the issue #112 but I keep having English as output (es: search, records per page etc).
I tried clearing caches too but without any result. Any idea of what could cause the issue?
Those are the js I use:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="{{asset('assets/js/datatables/datatables-bootstrap.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{asset('assets/js/datatables/datatables.fnReloadAjax.js')}}"></script>
This it the code in the controller I use to return the data
$places = Place::all();
return Datatable::collection($places)
->showColumns('name', 'municipality', 'province', 'address', 'zipcode', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'created_at', 'updated_at')
->orderColumns('name', 'province', 'municipality')
->setAliasMapping(true)//required to use column aliases
'actions', function ($places) {
return '<a href=' . URL::to("admin/places/$places->id/edit") . " class='iframe btn btn-xs btn-default'>" . Lang::get("button.edit") . "</a>" .
'<a href=' . URL::to("admin/places/$places->id/delete") . " class='iframe btn btn-xs btn-danger'>" . Lang::get("button.delete") . "</a>";
This is the code in the view
{{ Datatable::table()
'name' => 'Nome',
'municipality' => 'Località',
'province' => 'Provincia',
'address' => 'Indirizzo',
'zipcode' => 'CAP',
'latitude' => 'Latitudine',
'longitude' => 'Longitudine',
'created_at' => 'Creato il',
'updated_at' => 'Aggiornato il',
'actions' => 'Azioni'
->setUrl(route('')) // this is the route where data will be retrieved
->render() }}
The language part of the config file:
'options' => array(
"sPaginationType" => "full_numbers",
"bProcessing" => false,
'language' => array(
'processing'=> 'Procesando...',
'lengthMenu'=> 'Mostrar _MENU_',
'zeroRecords'=> 'No se encontraron resultados',
'emptyTable'=> 'Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla',
'info'=> 'Del _START_ al _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros',
'infoEmpty'=> 'Del 0 al 0 de un total de 0 registros',
'infoFiltered'=> '(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)',
'infoPostFix'=> '',
'search'=> 'Buscar',
'url'=> '',
'infoThousands'=> ',',
'loadingRecords'=> 'Cargando...',
'paginate'=> array(
'first'=> '<<',
'last'=> '>>',
'next'=> '>',
'previous'=> '<'
'aria'=> array(
'sortAscending' => 'Ordenar la columna de manera ascendente',
'sortDescending' => 'Ordenar la columna de manera descendente'
Hi, good day, Here is how you should do it:
I recommend you to put the lenguaje part on a separate file as a json file. Then in your view just do this:
$langFile = URL::asset("route/to/your/languajeFile.json");
{{ Datatable::table()->setOptions(array('language' => array('url' => $langFile)))
->render() }}
And that's it, let me know if it works