hibernator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hibernator copied to clipboard

Kernel's resume parameter generated empty in the rEFInd config.

Open mskiptr opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

A while ago I installed Manjaro using manjaro-architect. As a boot manager I used rEFInd, I chose to use a swap file and enabled hibernation. Then at each boot, the following message would appear for a brief moment – no mater if I hibernated it or not. hibernation device 'y' not found – like here It would always boot fresh – forgetting any hibernated state.

It turned out that Hibernator didn't alter the rEFInd's refind_linux.conf correctly – the value of resume parameter was empty. The generated refind_linux.conf had the following contents:

"Boot with standard options"  "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc   resume= resume_offset=34816"
"Boot to single-user mode"    "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc   single resume= resume_offset=34816"
"Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc resume= resume_offset=34816"

Whereas the refind_linux.conf.old was:

"Boot with standard options"  "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc  "
"Boot to single-user mode"    "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc   single"
"Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=UUID=201d14ba-667a-447b-a3aa-3333130e7cfc"

It seems like the root_part function failed somehow. I am not sure why though. All the commands work fine on the installed system, so maybe manjaro-architect is the culprit here? Maybe it didn't set up fstab correctly for some reason?

my /.m-a.log contents

    :: manjaro-architect 0.9.32-2 ::

07/08/20 22:08:11 system: UEFI, init: systemd nw-client: nmtui 
07/08/20 22:08:27 set LANG=en_US.UTF-8
07/08/20 22:08:27 set font ter-116n 
07/08/20 22:08:27 loadkeys us 
07/08/20 22:08:31 refresh database 
07/08/20 22:21:30 loadkeys pl 
07/08/20 22:24:16 rm 2 on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:16 rm 1 on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:16 /dev/sda is 
07/08/20 22:24:16 /dev/sda mklabel gpt 
07/08/20 22:24:17 create ESP on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:17 set boot flag for /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:17 create ext3 100% on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:38 rm 2 on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:38 rm 1 on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:38 /dev/sda is 
07/08/20 22:24:39 /dev/sda mklabel gpt 
07/08/20 22:24:39 create ESP on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:39 set boot flag for /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:24:39 create ext3 100% on /dev/sda 
07/08/20 22:25:33 --------- [lsblk] ------------ modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found in directory /lib/modules/5.6.15-1-MANJARO
07/08/20 22:25:33 /dev/sda1 512M
07/08/20 22:25:33 /dev/sda2 465.3G
07/08/20 22:25:33 /dev/sdb1 719.3M
07/08/20 22:25:33 /dev/sdb2 4M
07/08/20 22:25:33 already mounted: sdb1
07/08/20 22:25:33 ignore crypted: 
07/08/20 22:25:33 in partitions delete item /dev/sdb1 no: 4 / 5
07/08/20 22:25:33 partitions: /dev/sda1 512M /dev/sda2 465.3G /dev/sdb2 4M
07/08/20 22:26:24 mount /dev/sda2 as mkfs.ext4 -q. 
07/08/20 22:26:24 create mountpoint /mnt 
07/08/20 22:29:54 mount /dev/sda2 noatime
07/08/20 22:34:08 Swapfile fallocate 
07/08/20 22:34:08 Swapfile chmod 
07/08/20 22:34:08 Swapfile mkswap 
07/08/20 22:34:09 Swapfile swapon 
07/08/20 22:34:09 already mounted: sda2
07/08/20 22:36:34 mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1 
07/08/20 22:46:55 create /mnt/boot 
07/08/20 22:46:56 mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot 
07/08/20 22:48:29 edit pacman.conf 0
07/08/20 22:55:53 edit pacman-mirrors.conf
07/08/20 23:22:26 selected: "yay + base-devel" linux-lts linux-latest
07/08/20 23:22:26 modules: KERNEL-headers
07/08/20 23:35:29 selected: [Manjaro-cinnamon]
07/08/20 23:39:10 filter_packages 
07/08/20 23:39:22 selected 'full' profile
07/08/20 23:39:24 packages to install: acpi acpid adapta-maia-theme alsa-firmware alsa-utils amd-ucode apparmor autoconf automake avahi b43-fwcutter baobab base-devel bash bauh binutils bison blueman btrfs-progs bzip2 cinnamon-panel-chooser cinnamon-sounds cinnamon-translations cinnamon-wallpapers coreutils cpupower crda cronie cryptsetup dconf-editor deluge device-mapper dhclient dhcpcd diffutils dmidecode dmraid dnsmasq dosfstools e2fsprogs ecryptfs-utils efibootmgr etcher exfat-utils f2fs-tools fakeroot ffmpegthumbnailer file filesystem findutils firefox flatpak flex galculator gawk gcc gcc-libs gcolor2 gettext ghc gimp git glibc gnome-disk-utility gnome-keyring gnome-online-accounts gnome-screenshot gnome-system-log gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-themes-standard gnu-free-fonts gparted gprename grep gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer gtkhash-nemo gufw gvfs-afc gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb gzip haveged hexchat htop icon-naming-utils inetutils intel-ucode inxi iproute2 iptables iputils ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw jfsutils jre8-openjdk jre8-openjdk-headless less libdvdcss libgsf libtool licenses lightdm-settings lightdm-slick-greeter linux-firmware linux-latest linux-lts logrotate lsb-release lvm2 m4 make man-db manjaro-alsa manjaro-application-utility manjaro-browser-settings manjaro-cinnamon-settings manjaro-documentation-en manjaro-firmware manjaro-hello manjaro-hotfixes manjaro-printer manjaro-pulse manjaro-release manjaro-settings-manager-notifier manjaro-system man-pages mdadm memtest86+ mesa-demos mhwd mhwd-db microsoft-office-web-jak mkinitcpio-openswap mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager mousetweaks mugshot nano nemo-fileroller nemo-preview nemo-python nemo-share netctl networkmanager-openconnect networkmanager-openvpn networkmanager-pptp networkmanager-vpnc nfs-utils nss-mdns ntfs-3g ntp numlockx openresolv openssh openvpn os-prober p7zip pacman pamac papirus-maia-icon-theme parcellite patch patchutils pavucontrol pciutils perl pidgin-libnotify pix poppler-data powertop pragha procps-ng psmisc pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-ctl pulseaudio-zeroconf python2-ptyprocess python-ptyprocess qt5-styleplugins reiserfsprogs rsync screenfetch sed shadow s-nail snapd spectre-meltdown-checker subversion sudo sysfsutils system-config-printer systemd-fsck-silent systemd-sysvcompat tar terminus-font texinfo thunderbird timeshift tlp tree ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-inconsolata ttf-indic-otf ttf-liberation udiskie usbutils util-linux vi vi wget which wpa_supplicant xcursor-chameleon-pearl-deepin xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils xed xf86-input-elographics xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-libinput xf86-input-void xfsprogs xorg-server xorg-twm xorg-xhost xorg-xinit xorg-xkill xorg-xrandr xplayer xreader xviewer-plugins yay yay yelp zensu zsh 
07/09/20 00:39:41 install basepkgs 
07/09/20 00:39:41 configure vconsole
07/09/20 00:39:41 base installed succesfully.
07/09/20 00:39:41 copy overlay 
07/09/20 00:39:41 copy root config 
07/09/20 00:39:42 enable   Too few arguments.
07/09/20 00:39:42 disable pacman-init 
07/09/20 00:39:42 enable lightdm Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/lightdm.service.
07/09/20 00:43:02 Auto-install free drivers 
07/09/20 00:56:33 Install needed pkg refind-efi. 
07/09/20 00:56:36 Install needed pkg refind-drivers. 
07/09/20 00:56:36 refind-install --root /mnt 
07/09/20 11:50:07 generate_fstab 
07/09/20 11:57:32 set_hostname 
07/09/20 12:05:45 set_locale 
07/09/20 12:07:04 set_xkbmap pl 
07/09/20 12:07:13 set_xkbmap pl 
07/09/20 12:07:31 set_timezone Europe/Warsaw 
07/09/20 12:07:49 set_hw_clock 
07/09/20 12:17:08 set_root_password New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
07/09/20 12:19:16 default shell: [/usr/bin/fish]
07/09/20 12:19:44 add user to groups 
07/09/20 12:19:44 create user pwd New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
07/09/20 12:29:41 Running hibernator 
07/09/20 14:13:41 exit installer.

mskiptr avatar Aug 24 '20 16:08 mskiptr

I can confirm that this problem occurs on an another machine. Unfortunately I forgot to check which commands were failing there.

mskiptr avatar Aug 30 '20 14:08 mskiptr

Thank you for reporting. Hibernator not working correctly in chroot is a known issue. I'll try to get it fixed when I can, but it might take some time. Pull request are welcome if someone else has more time.

Chrysostomus avatar Aug 30 '20 15:08 Chrysostomus