math3d-react copied to clipboard
App Crashed
Here's what happened just before the crash: I had a variable slider named "phi" in an expression in a vector. Tweaking the slider didn't seem to do anything, so I thought maybe "phi" was being interpreted as a constant and not using the slider's value. As soon as I deleted the "i" at the end of "phi" the screen went white.
I'm using Firefox 106.0.5 and MacOS 12.5
My console shows this:
MathBox² 2.1.0 [index.js:116:16](
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<cartesian id="2" range={[[-5, 5], [-5, 5], [-5, 5]]} scale={{x: 1, y: 1, z: 1/2}}>
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</root> [pretty.js:145:24](
Geometry 21,188 triangles 0 points 0 lines 52 draw calls [index.js:183:12](
Uncaught Error: prayer failed: nodeId is the id of some Node that exists
jQuery 2
2 [mathquill.min.js:10:415](
jQuery 2
InternalError: too much recursion
Mn index.js:30
n mathscope.js:308
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
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React 7
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.production.min.js:18
React 7
Redux 3
setSliderValue actions.js:3
value VariableSlider.js:66
value EvaluatedSlider.js:87
_interval AnimationControls.js:99
Uncaught InternalError: too much recursion
Mn index.js:30
n mathscope.js:308
e mathscope.js:307
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Mn index.js:30
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
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n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
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forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
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forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308
forEach self-hosted:4909
e mathscope.js:307
n mathscope.js:308