Christophe Carvalho Vilas-Boas
Christophe Carvalho Vilas-Boas
Am I missing something or [InputShowStateChanged]( also fires for Nested Scenes and Groups? --- Edit: Just tested it, and no it's not, but, it's triggered for the items contained in...
You may want to take a look at the freshly documented enum for [OBSMediaInputAction]( (don't mind the deprecated warnings, it's not), because that `OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_START` doesn't exist. You have to use...
A workaround is to retry to push ads in component `onMounted` with a slight delay (greater than the page transition in duration) ```typescript onMounted(() => { setTimeout(() => (window.adsbygoogle ||...
@lipecss did you try the workaround above?
Maybe using this : in the `EntityMapping.insert(SQLiteDatabase db, Entity o)` And when `entityInstance.isTransient() == true && entityInstance.getPrimaryKeyValue() != null` do not query for the `last_insert_rowid();` and `return entityInstance.getPrimaryKeyValue();` instead....
Yeah, the script idea is the best I think as it will be the most performant. I was thinking of SQL Scripts. Like seen in this [ ] post....
We don't, we need to add them
Waiting for API stabilization
I merged the PR but Unit Tests are lacking :/
new PR opened