countries-phone-masks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
countries-phone-masks copied to clipboard

France code and others is seemingly incorrect

Open dicash opened this issue 11 months ago • 5 comments

Must be 0x xx xx xx xx from

I wonder how much more patterns are incorrect here...

dicash avatar Mar 06 '24 15:03 dicash

Ok, random pick to ChatGPT:

Finland (+358): The format "(###)###-##-##" could be used, but it's more common to see Finnish numbers formatted differently depending on whether they're mobile or landline. For mobile phones, a more common format might be "+358 4# ### ####" or "+358 5# ### ####".

France (+33): The format "(###)###-###" is almost correct, but typically, French phone numbers are divided into sets of two digits when written down or spoken, so a format like "+33 # ## ## ## ##" would reflect the common grouping used in France.

French Guiana (+594): The mask "#####-####" is suitable for French Guiana. Being an overseas department of France, it shares the same numbering system as mainland France but has its own country code. A format reflecting the grouping into two digits like in France might also be applicable here, "+594 ### ## ## ##".

French Polynesia (+689): The format "##-##-##" is correct for French Polynesia. The phone numbers here are typically six digits long after the country code, and the suggested mask matches the common format.

So it seems library has own ideas about phone pattern - I wonder what's the source of data?

dicash avatar Mar 06 '24 16:03 dicash

Also: UM, EH countries are missing

dicash avatar Mar 06 '24 16:03 dicash

Hi! All the formats here are from gists and wikipedia articles.

As there are many, sometimes they are incorrect. Could you help fixing these masks and adding those new ones?

Just open a PR and I can launch a new version right away 😄

ChristoPy avatar Mar 07 '24 11:03 ChristoPy

I can't help contributing since working from not personal setup, but I can share more-less correct phone masks from ChatGPT:

  AF: ['+93', '0## ### ####'],
  AX: ['+358', '18 ### ####'],
  AL: ['+355', '(###) ### ###'],
  DZ: ['+213', '(###) ### ###'],
  AS: ['+1', '(684) ###-####'],
  AD: ['+376', '### ###'],
  AO: ['+244', '(###) ### ###'],
  AI: ['+1', '(264) ###-####'],
  AG: ['+1', '(268) ###-####'],
  AR: ['+54', '(###) ###-####'],
  AM: ['+374', '## ### ###'],
  AW: ['+297', '### ####'],
  AU: ['+61', '# #### ####'],
  AT: ['+43', '(###) ### ####'],
  AZ: ['+994', '(###) ### ## ##'],
  BS: ['+1', '(242) ###-####'],
  BH: ['+973', '#### ####'],
  BD: ['+880', '# ### ###'],
  BB: ['+1', '(246) ###-####'],
  BY: ['+375', '(##) ###-##-##'],
  BE: ['+32', '(###) ### ###'],
  BZ: ['+501', '###-####'],
  BJ: ['+229', '##-##-####'],
  BM: ['+1', '(441) ###-####'],
  BT: ['+975', '# ### ###'],
  BO: ['+591', '# ### ####'],
  BA: ['+387', '## ###-###'],
  BW: ['+267', '## ### ###'],
  BR: ['+55', '(##) ####-####'],
  IO: ['+246', '### ####'],
  BN: ['+673', '### ####'],
  BG: ['+359', '(###) ### ###'],
  BF: ['+226', '## ## ####'],
  BI: ['+257', '## ## ####'],
  KH: ['+855', '## ### ###'],
  CM: ['+237', '#### ####'],
  CA: ['+1', '(###) ###-####'],
  CV: ['+238', '(###) ## ##'],
  KY: ['+1', '(345) ###-####'],
  CF: ['+236', '## ## ####'],
  TD: ['+235', '## ## ## ##'],
  CL: ['+56', '# #### ####'],
  CN: ['+86', '(###) #### ####'],
  CX: ['+61', '3 ## ## ##'],
  CC: ['+61', '8 ## ## ##'],
  CO: ['+57', '(###) ### ####'],
  KM: ['+269', '## ## ## ##'],
  CG: ['+242', '## ### ####'],
  CK: ['+682', '## ###'],
  CR: ['+506', '#### ####'],
  HR: ['+385', '## #### ###'],
  CU: ['+53', '# ### ####'],
  CY: ['+357', '## ### ###'],
  CZ: ['+420', '### ### ###'],
  CD: ['+243', '### ### ###'],
  DK: ['+45', '## ## ## ##'],
  DJ: ['+253', '## ## ## ##'],
  DM: ['+1', '(767) ###-####'],
  DO: ['+1', '(###) ###-####'],
  EC: ['+593', '## ### ####'],
  EG: ['+20', '# #### ####'],
  SV: ['+503', '#### ####'],
  GQ: ['+240', '## ### ####'],
  ER: ['+291', '# ### ###'],
  EE: ['+372', '#### ####'],
  SZ: ['+268', '#### ####'],
  ET: ['+251', '## ### ####'],
  FK: ['+500', '#####'],
  FO: ['+298', '######'],
  FJ: ['+679', '### ####'],
  FI: ['+358', '## ### ####'],
  FR: ['+33', '## ## ## ## ##'],
  GF: ['+594', '### ## ## ##'],
  PF: ['+689', '## ## ##'],
  GA: ['+241', '# ## ## ##'],
  GM: ['+220', '### ####'],
  GE: ['+995', '(###) ## ## ##'],
  DE: ['+49', '(###) ### ####'],
  GH: ['+233', '## ### ####'],
  GI: ['+350', '### #####'],
  GR: ['+30', '(###) ### ####'],
  GL: ['+299', '## ## ##'],
  GD: ['+1', '(473) ###-####'],
  GP: ['+590', '### ## ## ##'],
  GU: ['+1', '(671) ###-####'],
  GT: ['+502', '# ### ####'],
  GG: ['+44', '(####) ### ###'],
  GN: ['+224', '## ### ###'],
  GW: ['+245', '# #######'],
  GY: ['+592', '### ####'],
  HT: ['+509', '## ## ####'],
  VA: ['+379', '### ####'],
  HN: ['+504', '####-####'],
  HK: ['+852', '#### ####'],
  HU: ['+36', '(##) ### ####'],
  IS: ['+354', '### ####'],
  IN: ['+91', '####### ###'],
  ID: ['+62', '(###) ###-####'],
  IR: ['+98', '(###) ### ####'],
  IQ: ['+964', '(###) ### ####'],
  IE: ['+353', '(###) ### ###'],
  IM: ['+44', '(####) ### ###'],
  IL: ['+972', '#-###-####'],
  IT: ['+39', '(###) #### ###'],
  CI: ['+225', '## ## ## ##'],
  JM: ['+1', '(876) ###-####'],
  JP: ['+81', '(###) ###-####'],
  JE: ['+44', '(####) ### ###'],
  JO: ['+962', '# #### ####'],
  KZ: ['+7', '(###) ###-##-##'],
  KE: ['+254', '### ######'],
  KI: ['+686', '## ###'],
  KP: ['+850', '###-###-####'],
  KR: ['+82', '(###) ####-####'],
  XK: ['+383', '## ### ###'],
  KW: ['+965', '#### ####'],
  KG: ['+996', '(###) ###-###'],
  LA: ['+856', '## ## ####'],
  LV: ['+371', '## ### ###'],
  LB: ['+961', '## ### ###'],
  LS: ['+266', '# ### ####'],
  LR: ['+231', '## ### ###'],
  LY: ['+218', '##-#######'],
  LI: ['+423', '(###) ###-####'],
  LT: ['+370', '(###) ## ###'],
  LU: ['+352', '### ### ###'],
  MO: ['+853', '#### ####'],
  MG: ['+261', '## ## ### ##'],
  MW: ['+265', '# #### ####'],
  MY: ['+60', '(###) ###-###'],
  MV: ['+960', '###-####'],
  ML: ['+223', '## ## ####'],
  MT: ['+356', '#### ####'],
  MH: ['+692', '###-####'],
  MQ: ['+596', '### ## ## ##'],
  MR: ['+222', '## ## ####'],
  MU: ['+230', '### ####'],
  YT: ['+262', '### ## ## ##'],
  MX: ['+52', '(###) ###-####'],
  FM: ['+691', '### ####'],
  MD: ['+373', '#### ####'],
  MC: ['+377', '(###) ###-###'],
  MN: ['+976', '## ## ####'],
  ME: ['+382', '## ### ###'],
  MS: ['+1', '(664) ###-####'],
  MA: ['+212', '#-####-####'],
  MZ: ['+258', '## ### ####'],
  MM: ['+95', '# ### ####'],
  NA: ['+264', '## ### ####'],
  NR: ['+674', '### ####'],
  NP: ['+977', '#-######'],
  NL: ['+31', '## ### ####'],
  NC: ['+687', '##.##.##'],
  NZ: ['+64', '## ### ###'],
  NI: ['+505', '#### ####'],
  NE: ['+227', '## ## ## ##'],
  NG: ['+234', '## ### ####'],
  NU: ['+683', '####'],
  NF: ['+672', '3## ###'],
  MK: ['+389', '## ### ###'],
  MP: ['+1', '(670) ###-####'],
  NO: ['+47', '### ## ###'],
  OM: ['+968', '#### ####'],
  PK: ['+92', '(###) #######'],
  PW: ['+680', '### ####'],
  PS: ['+970', '## ### ####'],
  PA: ['+507', '####-####'],
  PG: ['+675', '(###) ## ###'],
  PY: ['+595', '## ### ####'],
  PE: ['+51', '(###) ### ###'],
  PH: ['+63', '(###) ###-####'],
  PN: ['+870', '### ####'],
  PL: ['+48', '### ### ###'],
  PT: ['+351', '## ### ####'],
  PR: ['+1', '(###) ###-####'],
  QA: ['+974', '#### ####'],
  RE: ['+262', '##### ####'],
  RO: ['+40', '## ### ####'],
  RU: ['+7', '(###) ###-##-##'],
  RW: ['+250', '(###) ### ###'],
  BL: ['+590', '### ## ## ##'],
  SH: ['+290', '####'],
  KN: ['+1', '(869) ###-####'],
  LC: ['+1', '(758) ###-####'],
  MF: ['+590', '### ## ## ##'],
  PM: ['+508', '## ## ##'],
  VC: ['+1', '(784) ###-####'],
  WS: ['+685', '####'],
  SM: ['+378', '(####) ######'],
  ST: ['+239', '## ####'],
  SA: ['+966', '# ### ####'],
  SN: ['+221', '## ### ####'],
  RS: ['+381', '## ### ####'],
  SC: ['+248', '# ### ###'],
  SL: ['+232', '## ######'],
  SG: ['+65', '#### ####'],
  SX: ['+1', '(721) ###-####'],
  SK: ['+421', '(###) ### ###'],
  SI: ['+386', '## ### ###'],
  SB: ['+677', '### ####'],
  SO: ['+252', '# ### ###'],
  ZA: ['+27', '## ### ####'],
  GS: ['+500', '####'],
  SS: ['+211', '# ### ####'],
  ES: ['+34', '### ### ###'],
  LK: ['+94', '## ### ####'],
  SD: ['+249', '## ### ####'],
  SR: ['+597', '###-####'],
  SJ: ['+47', '### ## ###'],
  SE: ['+46', '## ### ####'],
  CH: ['+41', '## ### ####'],
  SY: ['+963', '## #### ###'],
  TW: ['+886', '#### ####'],
  TJ: ['+992', '## ### ####'],
  TZ: ['+255', '## ### ####'],
  TH: ['+66', '# #### ####'],
  TL: ['+670', '#### ####'],
  TG: ['+228', '## ## ## ##'],
  TK: ['+690', '####'],
  TO: ['+676', '####'],
  TT: ['+1', '(868) ###-####'],
  TN: ['+216', '## ### ###'],
  TR: ['+90', '(###) ### ####'],
  TM: ['+993', '# ### ###'],
  TC: ['+1', '(649) ###-####'],
  TV: ['+688', '####'],
  UG: ['+256', '## ### ####'],
  UA: ['+380', '## ### ####'],
  AE: ['+971', '# ### ####'],
  GB: ['+44', '#### ### ###'],
  US: ['+1', '(###) ###-####'],
  UM: ['+1', '(###) ###-####'],
  UY: ['+598', '# ### ## ##'],
  UZ: ['+998', '## ### ####'],
  VU: ['+678', '## ####'],
  VE: ['+58', '###-###-####'],
  VN: ['+84', '## #### ###'],
  VG: ['+1', '(284) ###-####'],
  VI: ['+1', '(340) ###-####'],
  WF: ['+681', '## ####'],
  EH: ['+212', '###-###-###'],
  YE: ['+967', '# ### ###'],
  ZM: ['+260', '## ### ####'],
  ZW: ['+263', '# #######'],

dicash avatar Mar 07 '24 14:03 dicash

hi! thanks for the great package!

did u merge phones above? as i still can see some errors in KZ codes

Proadik avatar May 22 '24 21:05 Proadik