Christian Perez Villanueva
Christian Perez Villanueva
Should somehow figure out between 1inch and any other supported exchange which gives out best price for trade
At times alerts will keep on running over long periods of time. May be useful to lower load on bot
Would be great to view how many alerts are currently running in the background
Would like to display token info like its name, symbol and address
This might be a good start for this Still not sure If I want to go the charting route or if I rather have a text prediction Seems like a neat idea to visit at some point. Would have to figure out the details as how we could include this in the bot. Mostly in favor...
Would be a neat idea to make trades on Kucoin without having to visit the website. Should have its own table with reference to current user
Similar approach to current alerting logic. Analyze current schema and ponder around for a bit to see if we: * Need a separate database table for gas alert * Can...