boilerplates copied to clipboard
VM stuck at cloud-init running "init-local"
I was following your video on creating a ubuntu template with cloud-inti on proxmox using packer but ran into this issue -
The VM doesn't proceed further than this an the script is still waiting for SSH to be accessible
Have you faced this issue or do you possibly know of any fix ? Any help is appreciated
I am facing the same issue for ubuntu focal with exactly the same error messages. Unfortunately, I have not found a solution myself yet. Mainly because I have no idea how to debug this.
If I am trying to use 22.04 jammy, I get stuck at the following screen:
In both cases, packer stops at Waiting for SSH to become available...
until it eventually times out.
Can you guys share the logs of your machines and user-data conf?
Absolutely! For user-data, I only changed the user to ubuntu
and set the password to ubuntu
version: 1
locale: en_US
layout: de
install-server: true
allow-pw: true
disable_root: true
ssh_quiet_keygen: true
allow_public_ssh_keys: true
- qemu-guest-agent
- sudo
name: direct
size: 0
package_upgrade: false
timezone: Europe/Berlin
- name: ubuntu
groups: [adm, sudo]
lock-passwd: false
shell: /bin/bash
passwd: $6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0
How can I send you the server logs? Since I do not get any further, there is no SSH connection set up yet.
@davosian have you found any fix for it ?
Unfortunately not until now. As as workaround, I ditched Packer and went with cloud based images created with qm
I prefer the packer approach but I spent way too much time without success. I tried the packer approach with Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and Debian 11. Neither one would work for me so it looks like the issue is a more general one (or I have more than one issue with this approach).
Curious to hear if someone has found a solution.
I've got the same error, I was trying with ssh username and password auth for the ubuntu jamy. I switch to ssh key auth and it works. In user-data
version: 1
locale: en_US
layout: en
install-server: true
allow-pw: true
disable_root: false
ssh_quiet_keygen: true
allow_public_ssh_keys: true
- qemu-guest-agent
- sudo
name: direct
size: 0
package_upgrade: false
timezone: Europe/Paris
- name: ubuntu
groups: [adm, sudo]
lock-passwd: false
shell: /bin/bash
#passwd: test
# - or -
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz.......
In ubuntu-server-jammy-docker.pkr
ssh_username = "ubuntu"
# (Option 1) Add your Password here
#ssh_password = "${var.vm_ssh_password}"
# - or -
# (Option 2) Add your Private SSH KEY file here
ssh_private_key_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
# Raise the timeout, when installation takes longer
ssh_timeout = "30m"
I hope that it will fix your issue.
Hi @EsharkyTheGreat & @davosian
I had the similar issues and it helped me to set the following options:
After settings these options it was a firewall blocking in my home lab. Maybe this helps finding the issue.
Thanks a lot for the tip @dortlii . Will have to give it another shot 👍
Check if you can get a DHCP lease. Also, for me it worked some time ago from my Mac, now, since I got Ventura, even though the HTTP server starts, it seems it does not reach it. I installed a Ubuntu machine in Proxmox and build the images from there.
Most likely these types of issues are network issues, @EsharkyTheGreat can you comment if this is still an issue?
Issue gone cold.
This is also an issue for me. I don't know how to show the debug logs, but this is all i got from it:
ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: output will be in this color.
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Creating VM
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Starting VM
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Starting HTTP server on port 8366
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Waiting 5s for boot
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Typing the boot command
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Timeout waiting for SSH.
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Stopping VM
==> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Deleting VM
Build 'ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1' errored after 20 minutes 21 seconds: Timeout waiting for SSH.
==> Wait completed after 20 minutes 21 seconds
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> ubuntu-server-focal-test-1.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1: Timeout waiting for SSH.
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
this is also my current user-data
version: 1
locale: en_US
layout: us
install-server: true
allow-pw: true
disable_root: true
ssh_quiet_keygen: true
allow_public_ssh_keys: true
- qemu-guest-agent
- sudo
name: direct
size: 0
package_upgrade: false
timezone: Asia/Manila
- name: cindrmon
groups: [adm, sudo]
lock-passwd: false
shell: /bin/bash
# passwd: your-password
# - or -
- <my_public_key>
and my ubuntu-server-focal.pkr.hcl
# Ubuntu Server Focal
# ---
# Packer Template to create an Ubuntu Server (Focal) on Proxmox
# From Christian Lempa:
# Variable Definitions
variable "proxmox_api_url" {
type = string
variable "proxmox_api_token_id" {
type = string
variable "proxmox_api_token_secret" {
type = string
sensitive = true
# Resource Definition for the VM Template
source "proxmox" "ubuntu-server-focal-test-1" {
# Proxmox Connection Settings
proxmox_url = var.proxmox_api_url
username = var.proxmox_api_token_id
token = var.proxmox_api_token_secret
insecure_skip_tls_verify = true
# VM General Settings
node = "proxmox"
vm_id = "998"
vm_name = "ubuntu-server-focal-test-1"
template_description = "Ubuntu Server Focal Image"
# VM OS Settings
# (Local ISO)
iso_file = "local:iso/ubuntu-20.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso"
iso_storage_pool = "local"
# or (Download ISO)
// iso_file = ""
// iso_checksum = "5035be37a7e9abbdc09f0d257f3e33416c1a0fb322ba860d42d74aa75c3468d4"
unmount_iso = true
# VM System Settings
qemu_agent = true
# VM Hard Disk Settings
scsi_controller = "virtio-scsi-pci"
disks {
disk_size = "10G"
// format = "qcow2"
storage_pool = "local-lvm"
storage_pool_type = "lvm"
type = "scsi"
# VM CPU Settings
cores = "1"
# VM Memory Settings
memory = "1024"
# VM Network Settings
network_adapters {
model = "virtio"
bridge = "vmbr0"
firewall = false
# VM Cloud-Init Settings
cloud_init = true
cloud_init_storage_pool = "local-lvm"
# PACKER Boot Commands
boot_command = [
"autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ ",
"--- <enter>"
boot = "c"
boot_wait = "5s"
# PACKER AutoInstall Settings
http_directory = "http"
## (Optional) Bind IP Address to Port
// http_bind_address = ""
// http_bind_address = ""
// http_port_min = 8802
// http_port_max = 8802
ssh_username = "cindrmon"
## Option 1) Add Your Own Password
# ssh_password = ""
## or Option 2) Add Private SSH Key
ssh_private_key_file = "~/.ssh/ubuntuserver_lzh"
# Raise the timeout, when installation takes longer
ssh_timeout = "20m"
build {
name = "ubuntu-server-focal-test-1"
sources = ["source.proxmox.ubuntu-server-focal-test-1"]
# Provisioning Cloud-Init Integration
## 1) Post-Install
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [
"while [ ! -f /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished ]; do echo 'Waiting for cloud-init...'; sleep 1; done",
"sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*",
"sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/machine-id",
"sudo apt -y autoremove --purge",
"sudo apt -y clean",
"sudo apt -y autoclean",
"sudo cloud-init clean",
"sudo rm -f /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/subiquity-disable-cloudinit-networking.cfg",
"sudo sync"
## 2) Cleanup
provisioner "file" {
source = "files/99-pve.cfg"
destination = "/tmp/99-pve.cfg"
## 3) Preperation
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [ "sudo cp /tmp/99-pve.cfg /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-pve.cfg" ]
I just troubleshooted this issue, and for me it was probably networking. I initially thought I could run the script from my windows desktop and target the proxmox server I have running in my homelab on the same network. However, I was using WSL and I think it NATs a different IP space than what the host uses. I ended up running an LXC debian container on proxmox and installing packer there along with the scripts needed. Seems to be working slightly better at least.