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Request: VFR navigation map tools
As a VFR PPL pilot in real life and using MSFS for practice it is necessary for me to be able to interact with the VFR map in such a way that I can do the following:
- Measure distance point to point maybe by drawing a line and it having a value in the middle of the line in NM, ideally be able to leave these measurement lines on the map and an eraser feature to delete them
- Measure heading from one point to another point, ideally be able to leave these measurement lines on the map and an eraser feature to delete them
- Draw lines on the map, for example crossing points along the route where I may want to carry out ground speed checks eg note the time passing over a map feature ie a railway line and draw a line , note the time crossing it as a text annotation. Draw another line at another feature such as abeam a small town enroute. Measure the distance between the two. Again a text annotation for that distance or have persistent distance and heading measurement lines. Note the time crossing the second point and do a groundspeed check speed = distance / time (sadly hard to use a whiz wheel like in reality in VR). Measure the distance remaining and update my ETI for the waypoint.
- A text annotation tool as mentioned above.
Another extremely useful feature would be a realistic navigation log page for the pilot to manually update (eg ETI figures, times on fuel tanks etc) as you fly just like in real life.
I like the ideas and I think most of it is feasible, though requires some work. Hence I can't make any promises right now. But I'll put it in the backlog and will consider implementing it step by step.
Hi Christian,
I think the same idea as the notepad feature but applied as a layer on top of the chart view would also be a great idea. I'm using real world navigation maps imported in and it'd be great to be able to take notes on it in flight as I'm going.
Can I add a request for a simple stopwatch to the list please, same as the one on the builtin NavLog.