Sketch-iOS-Icons-Template icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Sketch-iOS-Icons-Template copied to clipboard

A .sketch file with ALL the iOS app icon sizes, for iOS apps, App store and Web apps.


A .sketch file with ALL the iOS app icon sizes, for iOS apps, App store and Web apps.

Sketch iOS icons template

There are the following pages:

App Icons

These are specific app icons for the app store. I have now added the 60x60 & @x2: 120x120 iOS7 icons, unfortunately they are labelled the same as the 114x114 icons - so I have added (iOS7) after the news ones.

Launch Icons

These are specific to the actual app itself, and are the "loading" images.

Touch Icons

These are for safari web apps. These are the icons that will appear as the bookmark, and on the users home-screen. I have now added the 60x60 & @x2 120x120 iOS7 icons.

Startup Icons

These are similar to the launch icons, only that these are labelled differently and are specifically for web apps.


And finally we have a favicon, because you shouldn't over look this little guy.


The artboards within each page have been labelled such that you can export all - and they will labelled as per Apple's guidelines. I have included separate '@x2's for retina screens. If you wanted to you can just either draw your icons and let Sketch do the normal (@x1) version. But you will then need to rename the newly created file. Or you could do your artwork on the regular sizes and then use Sketch's @x2 feature? S'up to you. I like control.

If you spot any bug, errors with any of these - file an Issue and i'll sort them out.