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Greenplum Exporter

使用go语言开发的Prometheus Greenplum监控数据采集器。


  • Github:


  • 下面以CentOS系统为例演示,其他平台编译方法类似


1.1 Go环境安装

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.14.12.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

1.2 Exporter编译

git clone
cd greenplum_exporter/ && make build
cd bin && ls -al


2.1 将打包好的软件上传到服务器,通过以下命令行参数启动服务:

export GPDB_DATA_SOURCE_URL=postgres://gpadmin:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
./greenplum_exporter --web.listen-address="" --web.telemetry-path="/metrics" --log.level=error --greenplumVersion=gposs6

服务启动后,访问监控指标的URL地址: http://IP:PORT/metrics 确定是否已经开始正常采集指标


  • 环境变量GPDB_DATA_SOURCE_URL指定了连接Greenplum数据库的连接串(请使用gpadmin账号连接postgres库),该连接串以postgres://为前缀,具体格式如下:
postgres://gpadmin:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
  • 如果环境变量GPDB_DATA_SOURCE_URL中的password含有以下特殊字符,请采用URL编码值替换,否则会报URL无效的错误;
特殊字符 URL编码值
空格 %20
" %22
# %23
% %25
& %26
( %28
) %29
+ %2B
, %2C
/ %2F
: %3A
; %3B
< %3C
= %3D
> %3E
? %3F
@ %4o
管道符 %7C
  • --web.listen-address如果不定义,默认端口为5433。详见帮助
  • --web.telemetry-path如果不定义,默认为/metrics。详见帮助
  • --greenplumVersion如果不定义,默认为gposs6,其他选项还有:gposs5,gpdb6,gpdb5。详见帮助


usage: greenplum_exporter [<flags>]

  -h, --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
                               web endpoint
                               path to expose metrics.
      --disableDefaultMetrics  do not report default metrics(go metrics and process metrics)
                               greenplum Server Version, options: gposs5-open source greenplum 5.x, gposs6-open source greenplum 6.x, gpdb5-pivotal greenplum 5.x,
                               gpdb6-pivotal greenplum 6.x
      --version                Show application version.
      --log.level="info"       Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
                               Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"

2.2 对应的Grafana json位于greenplum_exporter文件夹下,将对应的版本加载到Grafana并调整显示界面即可。


No. 指标名称 类型 标签组 度量单位 指标描述 数据源获取方法 GP版本
1 greenplum_cluster_state Gauge version; master(master主机名);standby(standby主机名) boolean gp 可达状态 ?:1→ 可用;0→ 不可用 SELECT count(*) from gp_dist_random('gp_id'); select version(); SELECT hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content=-1 and role='p'; ALL
2 greenplum_cluster_uptime Gauge - int 启动持续的时间 select extract(epoch from now() - pg_postmaster_start_time()); ALL
3 greenplum_cluster_sync Gauge - int Master同步Standby状态? 1→ 正常;0→ 异常 SELECT count(*) from pg_stat_replication where state='streaming' ALL
4 greenplum_cluster_max_connections Gauge - int 最大连接个数 show max_connections; show superuser_reserved_connections; ALL
5 greenplum_cluster_total_connections Gauge - int 当前连接个数 select count(*) total, count(*) filter(where current_query='<IDLE>') idle, count(*) filter(where current_query<>'<IDLE>') active, count(*) filter(where current_query<>'<IDLE>' and not waiting) running, count(*) filter(where current_query<>'<IDLE>' and waiting) waiting from pg_stat_activity where procpid <> pg_backend_pid(); ALL
6 greenplum_cluster_idle_connections Gauge - int idle连接数 同上 ALL
7 greenplum_cluster_active_connections Gauge - int active query 同上 ALL
8 greenplum_cluster_running_connections Gauge - int query executing 同上 ALL
9 greenplum_cluster_waiting_connections Gauge - int query waiting execute 同上 ALL
10 greenplum_node_segment_status Gauge hostname; address; dbid; content; preferred_role; port; replication_port int segment的状态status: 1(U)→ up; 0(D)→ down select * from gp_segment_configuration; ALL
11 greenplum_node_segment_role Gauge hostname; address; dbid; content; preferred_role; port; replication_port int segment的role角色: 1(P)→ primary; 2(M)→ mirror 同上 ALL
12 greenplum_node_segment_mode Gauge hostname; address; dbid; content; preferred_role; port; replication_port int segment的mode:1(S)→ Synced; 2(R)→ Resyncing; 3(C)→ Change Tracking; 4(N)→ Not Syncing 同上 ALL
13 greenplum_node_segment_disk_free_mb_size Gauge hostname MB segment主机磁盘空间剩余大小(MB) SELECT dfhostname as segment_hostname,sum(dfspace)/count(dfspace)/(1024*1024) as segment_disk_free_gb from gp_toolkit.gp_disk_free GROUP BY dfhostname ALL
14 greenplum_cluster_total_connections_per_client Gauge client int 每个客户端的total连接数 select usename, count() total, count() filter(where current_query='<IDLE>') idle, count(*) filter(where current_query<>'<IDLE>') active from pg_stat_activity group by 1; ALL
15 greenplum_cluster_idle_connections_per_client Gauge client int 每个客户端的idle连接数 同上 ALL
16 greenplum_cluster_active_connections_per_client Gauge client int 每个客户端的active连接数 同上 ALL
17 greenplum_cluster_total_online_user_count Gauge - int 在线账号数 同上 ALL
18 greenplum_cluster_total_client_count Gauge - int 当前所有连接的客户端个数 同上 ALL
19 greenplum_cluster_total_connections_per_user Gauge usename int 每个账号的total连接数 select client_addr, count() total, count() filter(where current_query='<IDLE>') idle, count(*) filter(where current_query<>'<IDLE>') active from pg_stat_activity group by 1; ALL
20 greenplum_cluster_idle_connections_per_user Gauge usename int 每个账号的idle连接数 同上 ALL
21 greenplum_cluster_active_connections_per_user Gauge usename int 每个账号的active连接数 同上 ALL
22 greenplum_cluster_config_last_load_time_seconds Gauge - int 系统配置加载时间 SELECT pg_conf_load_time() Only GPOSS6 and GPDB6
23 greenplum_node_database_name_mb_size Gauge dbname MB 每个数据库占用的存储空间大小 SELECT dfhostname as segment_hostname,sum(dfspace)/count(dfspace)/(1024*1024) as segment_disk_free_gb from gp_toolkit.gp_disk_free GROUP BY dfhostname ALL
24 greenplum_node_database_table_total_count Gauge dbname - 每个数据库内表的总数量 SELECT count(*) as total from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('gp_toolkit','information_schema','pg_catalog'); ALL
25 greenplum_exporter_total_scraped Counter - int - - ALL
26 greenplum_exporter_total_error Counter - int - - ALL
27 greenplum_exporter_scrape_duration_second Gauge - int - - ALL
28 greenplum_server_users_name_list Gauge - int 用户总数 SELECT usename from pg_catalog.pg_user; ALL
29 greenplum_server_users_total_count Gauge - int 用户明细 同上 ALL
30 greenplum_server_locks_table_detail Gauge pid;datname;usename;locktype;mode;application_name;state;lock_satus;query int 锁信息 SELECT * from pg_locks ALL
31 greenplum_server_database_hit_cache_percent_rate Gauge - float 缓存命中率 select sum(blks_hit)/(sum(blks_read)+sum(blks_hit))*100 from pg_stat_database; ALL
32 greenplum_server_database_transition_commit_percent_rate Gauge - float 事务提交率 select sum(xact_commit)/(sum(xact_commit)+sum(xact_rollback))*100 from pg_stat_database; ALL


  • 本项目在 基础上进行开发,部分修改如下:
    • 原作者repo中分别针对gpdb5/6做了不同的分支,这里秉承简洁的原则,进行了GPDB多个版本的合并,您可以通过一个程序采集不同版本GPDB的数据
    • 部分修正
    • 在此对原作者表示感谢
  • 如果您在使用过程中有任何疑问,可以在上提问并@阿福,咨询类问题也可以直接在Greenplum官方技术微信群中@阿福
  • 如果本项目有帮助到您,麻烦您star一下