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Cleanup the \Windows\WinSxS component folder
Often the Windows\WinSxS gets really bloated with what I understand to be prior installers.
Microsoft suggests a command to clean up the prior left-overs,
See Clean Up the WinSxS Folder
So the idea would be that if the user checked the Disk Cleanup box under tweaks you could also run:
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
or if you want a less aggressive version:
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
this could go in the area currently around line 391
If ( $WPFEssTweaksDiskCleanup.IsChecked -eq $true ) {
Write-Host "Running Disk Cleanup on Drive C:..."
cmd /c cleanmgr.exe /d C: /VERYLOWDISK
$WPFEssTweaksDiskCleanup.IsChecked = $false
or add another check box for it...
Anyways, thank you sooo much for this tool, I use the heck out of it...
Or we could just integrate the DSSU script:
I was coming to suggest this same thing. As far as the DSSU script, each individual function could be incorporated separately, but I would not incorporate the whole script as is
Brilliant idea, forgot all about using DISM for component cleanup. Commit 3ad120c Should be live in the next week or so.