website copied to clipboard
ClickPaste the Best Program You Never Heard Of
Having Fun with Technology
Thanks for introducing us with the program..
Is there the same thing but for linux?
Is there the same thing but for linux?
@aamirazad Need to do a video on this, but the short of it is install xdotool
and then bind an alias like alias clickpaste='sleep 3; xdotool type "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)"'
and it does the same thing.
Cool.. did this had a comment section?? i didn't saw this one year ago
I wanted to share few script that does the same thing...
for windows...
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;$txt='';foreach ($element in $(Get-Clipboard)){$element=$element -replace '[+^%~(){}]','{$0}';$element= -join($element,'{ENTER}');echo $element;$txt = -join($txt,$element);};sleep 4; $wshell.SendKeys($txt);
for linux wayland (chirs shared x11)
sleep 3;ydotool type $(wl-paste)
for macos (
delay 4
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (the clipboard as text)
same thing as a gist.. (one star would be appreciated... :) )
And now it has support for hotkeys (I am skeptical of the usefulness, but someone kindly made it a pull request). Next release will hopefully be an MSI installer. There's a partial pull for that already but I need to work on it more. :)