I didn't even notice that bug. Thanks! It's probably time to publish version 7, so I'll see about getting it listed on the Public Library. I should probably update the...
Ah, that's a good point; I had forgotten how the overloaded `*set` would interact with the whitespace-lenient basic math operators like `-` in this case. Good thing I'd always initialized...
Similarly, one can't compare a variable against a negative number, like (number < -10); one has to compare ((0 - number) > 10) instead.
Incidentally, the JS error produced by randomtest is: java -jar tests\dojo-release-1.3.2-src\util\doh\js.jar randomtest.js 50 1)randomtest-output.txt js: uncaught JavaScript runtime exception: ReferenceError: "main" is not defined.