Christopher Ormaza
Christopher Ormaza
I implemented in account.payment import, but in this case is evaluated values as a dict, because that I think should be better to add an empty dict to general call...
First notification is sent by Because new field team_user_id is a related field, when both field are passed to create function, trigger a write to sync fields, because that...
This commit ( explain why should be change access to this classes - ir.model - ir.model.fields - - ir.model.fields.selection - ir.ui.view
I found cases where product_uom_qty is raised as a change in field, but is for decimal errors, for example this one 50.0 != 50.00000000000001 @ForgeFlow
This tool allow reassign existing variants to an empty template, this ideal when odoo has template creation as a initial approach, but after some time you decide to combine similar...