Algojammer copied to clipboard
installation instructions for c++ compiler?
C:\dev\misc\Algojammer\c_ext>python build install running build running build_ext building 'algorecord' extension error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":
The link 404's.
I googled it and everyone says to download the build tools for visual studio (a hefty ~5 gig download 🙁 )
But after installing it and relaunching cmd I still get the same error.
A guy in the issue here says you also need to put %VS140COMNTOOLS% in your environment variables:
set VS150COMNTOOLS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\Common7\Tools"
but that didn't work either. Neither did VS150COMNTOOLS
I'll restart my computer and report back. Maybe that will fix it?
i have the same problem with python 3.7.1
I will look into this this weekend
oh and I forgot to mention my system setup. Windows 10 python 3.6
i have the same, i think that visual c++ 14.0.0 not existe, when i have changed python to 2.7.8, it want me to install visual c++ 9.0, the i have installed it using this link
Hi All,
The fix with the environment variables is to redirect python to your current installed version of visual studio. Depending on which python you're running, it looks for a specific version.
See here for more info on python and compilers on windows (including the mapping between python and visual studio version and downloads for standalone versions)