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:open_file_folder: Personal configs: nvim, zsh

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:book: Table of contents

  • Dotfiles
    • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Installation
  • Screenshots
    • Neovim
  • (Neo)Vim Plugins
  • Other plugins
  • ZSH Plugins
  • Firefox Plugins
  • GitHub
  • Reddit
  • Fonts

:file_folder: Dotfiles

:computer: Ubuntu 18.04

Development setup using Oh-My-Zsh and Neovim.
I aim to have something in-between a light and not too heavy development setup.

:wrench: Installation

Make executable and run it:

sudo chmod +x

Note: colorls and FiraCode are not installed by this script.

:art: Screenshots



:bookmark_tabs: (Neo)Vim Plugins

Category Plugin Description
Colors nvim-colorizer.lua A high-performance color highlighter for Neovim which has no external dependencies!
Colorscheme vim-sublime-monokai vim-sublime-monokai is a refined Monokai color scheme for vim tries to look like Sublime's default color scheme
Completion nvim-cmp A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
Completion vim-vsnip VSCode(LSP)'s snippet feature in vim.
Completion vim-vsnip-integ Snippet completion/expansion.
Completion pears.nvim Auto pair plugin for neovim
Finder LeaderF An efficient fuzzy finder that helps to locate files, buffers, mrus, gtags, etc. on the fly.
Finder telescope.nvim Telescope.nvim is a next generation library for creating floating pickers with advanced features..
Formatting vim-easy-align A simple, easy-to-use Vim alignment plugin.
Git fugitive.vim Git wrapper
Git vim-gitgutter A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the sign column.
Interface indent-blankline.nvim Indent guides on blank lines for Neovim
LSP nvim-lspconfig Collection of common configurations for the Nvim LSP client.
LSP lsp-status.nvim Neovim plugin/library for generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client.
Parser nvim-treesitter Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for Neovim.
Parser hlargs.nvim Highlight arguments' definitions and usages, asynchronously, using Treesitter.
Statusline status-line.lua Custom statusline, see screenshot
Tabs barbar.nvim Tabs, as understood by any other editor.

:bookmark_tabs: Other interesting plugins

Category Plugin Description
Fading Buffers vimade Fade your inactive buffers
Integration vim-test Run your tests at the speed of thought
Interface scrollbar.nvim scrollbar for neovim(nightly)

:bookmark_tabs: ZSH Plugins

Plugin Description
zsh-autosuggestions Suggest commands as you type based on history and completions.
zsh-syntax-highlighting Provide syntax highlighting for the shell zsh.

:link: Firefox Plugins

Plugin Description
Flagfox Display a flag icon indicating the current webserver's physical location.
Ghostery Block ads, stop trackers and speed up websites.
Grammarly Make sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and impactful.
HTTPS Everywhere Protect your communications by enabling HTTPS encryption.
New Tab Tools Customizes the new tab page.
Tree Style Tabs Show tabs like a tree.
UBlock Origin An efficient blocker: easy on memory and CPU footprint.

:link: GitHub

Project Description
colorls A Ruby script that colorizes the ls output with color and icons..
Neovim Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability.
Oh-My-Zsh Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.

:link: Reddit

Reddit Description
Vim For Vim enthusiasts and anyone interested in Vim.
Neovim vim out of the box —

:ab: Fonts
