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In order list, show the bookmark numbers
Instead of showing the bookmarks in a separate list with step numbers, add a column in the order list and have the bookmark numbers displayed at the step itself, perhaps even changing the colour of the bookmarked steps.
There's an orderlist per track. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work! - or do you mean the song list on the far left of the editor client window?
Me neither, I haven't worked with more than one track yet :) If it's not possible, skip this, it's low prio anyway.
There could be an argument for adding an indication for a bookmark in the song list between the orderlist numbers and the planned descriptions. For example, a bookmark number 1-8 along with a special coloring of the line.
The problem is a bookmark between skewed/unaligned sequences across the voices. Perhaps the bookmark number and color could then just "round off" upwards. Example:
01: 007e
Song list:
0040: 03 01 02 Blah blah
007c: 04 >01 More blah
0080: 01 02
The >
is just an idea for a bookmark value (so it's not mistaken as an orderlist value for a fourth channel). Maybe it's better with no symbol; instead the bookmark value would just always have a different local color.
If done right, it might even render the bookmarks box redundant. The song list could then go all the way to the bottom. That would be awesome, actually; even better overview.
But what if there are multiple bookmarks in the sequence that "rounds up" to the same line?
What if the bookmark goes to the right step, but is placed at a rounded step in the orderlist. The bookmark could then for example be indicated as # 01 > 007e (bookmark # 01 to step 007e). I see a challenge when you'd want a bookmark to 007c and 007f too, though.
Perhaps add a blank line in the order list to add the bookmark?
0040: 03 01 02
007c: 04 # 01>007e
# 02>007f
0080: 01 02
Another thing; the bookmark list is also used to highlight the bookmark that is being recorded using ctrl-m. Not sure how that would work if you merge the two lists.
Also, personally I don't really care about the exact hex line number of the bookmark. Just a global idea where it is is enough.
To be absolutely honest, I don't mind keeping it as it is now, with a separate box for bookmarks in the bottom. It also seems there are too many problems trying to merge this. On low priority for now.