Not yet as there seemed to be no update to these packages. I'll post the result as soon as there is an update to manticore.
@BlackScreen Please open new issues for the things you stated as they are new feature requests. IMO this is a discussion about the necessity of the new feature introduced in...
Good news everyone. @feldsam Your hint was correct. The bug in the dovecot container seems to be fixed. I am reproducing the problem in #4276 right now and for over...
Thanks @feldsam @DerLinkman It now works as expected. Keep up the good work.
@ShuklaRavi22 I had the same error. Please see Maybe it helps.
Hello, I had the same issue a couple of minutes ago. For me the problem was an error with the cwd parameter in the ecosystem.config.js file of a program that...
@sheldonpang @Drift91 Did my comment help you?
@ikus060 Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately this is insufficient IMO. The difference between "backup is running" and "last backup failed" is very important ("backup is running" means "don't start any...
Thanks for the quick feedback. I will reimplement approach 1 because that's what I did in the past anyway. If I may put down my thoughts on this topic: What's...
Updated from 6.2 to 6.3 today and the issue did not occur. Maybe it was fixed in the meantime.