FilePicker copied to clipboard
Android 10 issue
Hi please check issue in android 10, image is not picking from picker
Hi Please run semple app first.
Thanks for reply, I have run your sample app, and I'm getting same issue in there too.
i have changed "allowMultiple" to false
I face the same issuse, did you find any solutions?
Bug Report Package: com.nareshchocha.filepickerlibrary.ui.activitys Class: MediaFilePickerActivity
Description: There is a bug in the following code where a null value is encountered:
To handle the case where is null, the following fix was applied:
add this to the code else if ( != null) { val data = Timber.tag(Const.LogTag.FILE_RESULT).v("File Uri ::: ${data?.toString()}") val filePath = data?.let { FileUtils.getRealPath(this, it) } Timber.tag(Const.LogTag.FILE_RESULT).v("filePath ::: $filePath") setSuccessResult(data, filePath) }